Throwing my hat in the bacon ring

Thanks all.

Just pulled the three off the top. They are wrapped and in the freezer. Will slice them tomorrow. I so wanted to slice some off and fry it up. But I contained myself. Feel like a kid at Christmas from the anticipation. Bottom ones needed a little longer.
RJ, looks GREAT! You're going to LOVE this bacon AND you'll do it again and again and again and You'll never buy store bacon again.
to help answer your question from the 11th:
When I get to day seven how do I tell if it needs to sit longer before moving to the next step or if I need to let it sit longer?
if you've done 7 days of curing, it's done.
Rinse it well (you did) let it air dry at least 4 hours (you did) then smoke it (you did!)
Great Stuff!

funny, I cured & smoked about 4 pounds not too long ago, but remembered to rinse it after curing AFTER it was smoked & sliced & packaged!
but I tried a lot of it and it was good, not too salty and gave some to the neighbors and they said it wasn't salty at all.

just going to REMEMBER to rinse thoroughly after the 7 days of curing...
Beautiful bacon RB!

Two questions though:
Why not fry up a slice right away? I always do!:)

Why freeze it before slicing?
I can see partially freezing it to help with the slicing.
Thanks Bob. Didn't have time to slice it. I put it in the freezer and froze it til it was really firm but not frozen. I then moved it to the fridge last night. Checked it thus morning and had not thawed much at all so I will slice it when I get off work today.
Well the journey is over. Sliced and packaged. This is after only slicing three of the six pieces I had.

Here is all of it sliced and packaged. Wound up with 10 packages with 20 pieces in each. Made three smaller packages with the small pieces and scraps to use for seasoning things.

Would have had 11 packages but we fried some up through out the process to make sure everything was good. Overall I am very happy with it. May have gotten a little too much smoke, but I have seen others say that the flavor will mellow out. If it doesn't it is still really good and don't think I will ever buy it at the store again. Thanks for all the input and feedback. I love this place!

Also, the next time I will only cut the slab into three sections to have longer pieces.
The smoke will mellow out..same with the salt. I really need to stock up on BCN...Yours looks outstanding
Thanks Wolfgast. I hope it does but if it stays the same it's still awesome.

I think they are safe Dan.....for now.

