Thoughts on this color Performer

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It matches the refrigerator I have in the garage.
I love that color it is one of the top 3 on my list. I call it lime green, then brick red,& last blue only the crate& barrel blue is a deeper,richer blue than most.
That is good to hear. I think it is an awesome, cool color myslef, but had a little negative feedback from some friends. More of the "is your husband going to grill on that" type of responses. I love my freinds....gonna get it tomorrow!
I like it! Lime green is my wife's favorite color. I can use this as an excuse to get a new grill!
In the 70's that color was called Avocado, and was one of the three standard appliance colors (with Harvest Gold and Coppertone) you could get. (Or white, of course.)
In the 70's that color was called Avocado, and was one of the three standard appliance colors (with Harvest Gold and Coppertone) you could get. (Or white, of course.)

A Harvest Gold Kettle would look sweet! Kind of a golden mustardy hue.
The cool thing about this grill is that it comes with the gourmet grate system.
I actually bought this one in early July and I have been cooking a lot on it, great grill.
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