This weeks "Family Dinner"


Timothy F. Lewis

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
My wife and I have her son, spouse and the two grand children every Saturday so we can have family time to be close, sit down dinner which I usually prepare but, my grand daughter (14) has turned into a pretty good Sous Chef. Last nights feast was a perfect way to use both the grills! Flank steak teriyaki on the 18 and cauliflower and red potatoes on the 22.
Finished it off with fresh "Peach, Ginger, Meyer Lemon ice cream".
Sorry can't post pictures, too dim to add the extra layer of photobucket or whatever.
Sounds like a wonderful evening for all. Wonderful to see the young ones learning to cook outdoors. Was the ice cream homemade? If it was I would love the recipe. We make our own and that one sounds wonderful.
Thanks Bob, the ice cream was of my design. I will send the recipe when the check clears! As with all delights, freshness of ingredients is paramount!
Sounds like a nice meal with the family. Awesome that you get to cook with your granddaughter.
It's wonderful to have her help! She has always been interested in what's going on in the kitchen, I am indeed a lucky man! My wife has not once in 25 years af marriage (Wednesday) and over 30 together denied me any reason to grill! Or cook any dinner for that matter. When we started keeping company, I said I had not met a woman I could not cook batter than. She just handed me the keys to the spot every and I have done all of it ever since! I do not mind one tiny bit, she works hard and deserves to not have to make dinner like she did for her first husband.
I think she's getting me a new garbage can for our anniversary! That's love, baby!
Congrats on the anniversary Tim. That is a great milestone and a lot of hard work. Congrats to both of you.
Thanks Bob,she has the patience of Job! I'm still looking for a job after an eleven year hiatus, the fine jewelry business ain't what it used to be. Nor, the guitar business. Should have been a booze salesman!
I actually picked up her present while we were on vacation and have kept it a complete surprise! I know full well I will have to give it to her Wednesday morning, I will make her a wonderful dinner that evening, last year it was a delightful piece of salmon, green beans, and jasmine rice.
Leaning toward scallops this year, must see what is available before making a decision.
I sure wish she liked lamb! Or beef!
My birthday follows in another week (26th) so, send a nice big standing rib roast of beef!
I will be happy to cook it!
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I can understand that. My business has been way down for the last 8 years but we are getting by. I am even calling myself semi retired. In the same breath I make it clear that when there is work I am there. I have always said that I married UP. Sounds like we are both blessed with wonderful wives.

Thanks Bob,she has the patience of Job! I'm still looking for a job after an eleven year hiatus, the fine jewelry business ain't what it used to be. Nor, the guitar business. Should have been a booze salesman!
So, after several years doing this, I'm starting to feel a little "stale". Do any of you folks, have any inspiration for more family feasting? I've got most of the kettle support gear(save a Vortex, hint, hint) so, don't hold back. I will be adding the 304 SS baskets if no one gets them for my birthday (either).
Pork loins, ribs, twirly birds, sausages, all get done pretty regularly. My wife isn't fond of lamb or beef outside of burgers. So I will be happy to hear what the talented grill folk here have to suggest.
We will be celebrating a slightly belated birthday next Saturday, so, I have a little time for something different. I really want a beautiful standing rib roast but, serious, rare beef eaters other than my step son do not seem to grace my company much anymore. Niece and nephew in law who shared end of summer feast have moved away.
Thanks in advance,

You know that silver is the traditional 25th year anniversary gift.
So I'm guessing the CEO will get you a silver coloured garbage can!

Edit: How about doing tandoori chicken? I would suggest leg-quarters. Marinade the chicken in a natural yoghurt & tandoori masala powder mix. When adding the tandoori powder to the yoghurt, do it slowly until the marinade is a pink colour. Taste. If you want it a bit stronger, add a bit more & taste again.
Cook indirect. Wonderful.
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Thirty years in the jewelry trade, Tony. Yep, I know it's silver, she got jewelry, I think I convinced her not to do the can.
The kids both really love curry so, I have a feeling that tandoori might not be a bad idea I will file that for the moment maybe in a couple of weeks.
In honor of the Olympics, we are going to South America for dinner! Specifically Venezuela, Moros Y Negros and chicken legs Maracucho! Vegetable to be determined.
That is brilliant your kids love curry. We Brits are curry nut-jobs!!
If you would like an authentic tandoori masala powder, I have a connection in Southall, London, (Little India), who sends me the BEST, hit me up & I'll fire over a PM me.
How kind of you! PM sent.
Now, if I find some money under a rock there's a guy not too far from me who has to shed his WSM for a song, I would be set for the rest of my equipment buying life, I think.
I know, there will be another deal but, doggone it he needs help and I'd love to help just don't have the coin to spare.
Minor translation error,
Should have been "Moros Y Christianos" apologies for that, it just sounds cooler than "Black Beans and Rice!"
I tell people I'm making that and they do stop and ask...." WHAT?" Then the explanation come is and it's so funny to see the look one people's go from befuddled to simply confused.
My joke, I suppose.
The trip south of the equator was really interesting and pretty simple, I will tweak it a touch next go round.
Lime juice-3 limes, I'd add the zest next time (didn't seem right when it was not asked for)
1/2 Cup brandy
6-cloves of garlic, sliced thinly
2" piece of ginger, minced
Salt and pepper
About a tablespoon of sugar (next time I will use brown)
Stir to dissolve the sugar
Wash the chicken, put the whole show in a ziplock bag and toss now and then to make everything get good contact. Grill indirect (reverse sear to crisp up the skin)
Well worth the effort.
Nice fresh green beans with the black beans and rice (Moros y Christianos)
Easy and a little different.

