Things we learned this weekend -- ’Fess up, y’all!

Fork tender on a brisket might be tougher than I think
Learn from? That remains to be seen. I will confess however, to three knuckleheaded mistakes that I HOPE to learn from Lord willing.
1. I ran out of hickory chunks so I substituted with chips. 2 giant fists full of hickory chips do not equal 2 chunks. 7 racks of baby backs were a bit on the smoky side.
2. Kick the legs (lightly) to drop the ash BEFORE refilling the water pan. Up until that point I had 2 butts going at 230* for 6 hours with no temp fluctuation at all! That can't be said for the next 6...
3. If you've fallen asleep with a bottle of (name your booze here, in my case Knob Creek) in front of you expect the worst. I got off easy this time
I learned that I need to re-read the BRITU recipe. I thought I was doing it right and then I re-read it and realized that after 3 hours you're supose to increase the temp by about 25º. I hadn't been doing that. I did increase the temp this weekend and the ribs were much better.
Jerry, I see that Chris has updated the BRITU recipe. Here is what he wrote (from the earlier version of the recipe on my computer):

"The recipe also calls for opening all bottom vents fully at the three hour mark, causing the cooker temp to run up into the 250–275*F range. THIS IS ONE POINT WHERE I DEVIATE FROM THE RECIPE. I find that it's easy to overcook the ribs if I use this higher temperature range, so I prefer to maintain my 238–240*F target temp instead."

My BRITUs turned out fine with not raising the temps, so I don't know any better, but heed his caution about overcooking when you do try it.

Let us know what you think of the higher temperatures.

Maybe Chris will chime in as to whether there was any noticeable improvement with the higher temps late in the cook. Crisper ribs?

What I learned this week.

1) Just because the WSM holds temps well doesn't mean you can just forget it so one can drive around three towns to 5 different liquor stores in order to find the brand of scotch one happens to be drinking. Upon return, the temps were so high I decided to BBQ wings next to the ribs.

2) The 64 color box of Crayolas. When a 3 year old takes a bite out of most of them and then decides to 'relieve himself', the color of his underware, interesting as it may look, in no way looks like a rainbow.
One thing I have learned is there are no set rules. Try different things, and not all WSMs cook the exact same. My cooks seem to take longer than most, but the finished product is all that matters either way. I have cooked butts in 12 hours though and I think the longer cooks for me have better results. I cook 2 butts at a time like Kevin does that probably has something to do with my longer times..
Oh and about that drinking hobby, I have that one too. Going to use that hobby later today, I finally get to close on my old house TODAY! Buyers finally quit messing with me.
Celebrate good times COME ON!

