Things are slooow

We had a bat fly around our bedroom last night right.
I thought it was a large moth at first.
I got a broom and herded it out unharmed and safe.

We have been keeping the doors open for puppy potty training.
I guess open door for puppy is open doors for bats.

Told the wife I felt fine but let me know if I start growing fangs :).
Several years ago, I found a deceased bat, the size of a large mouse, at the bottom of the basement stairs. Very very strange, no signs of trauma on it, in spite of being in the living space of 2 cats (and one with a well developed hunter instinct.) Never did figure out how it got in, and how the one cat didn't turn it into mincemeat. And no idea what killed it. I took it up to the UMinn vet school for a quick rabies necropsy, that turned out negative.

I'm more than happy to see bats, I'd just prefer them on the outside of the house.
Yeah, bats don’t bother me and I consider them good neighbors.
I’m glad it was restricted to the bedroom actually rather than flying around the house.
I once wanted to buy or build a bat house.
Now I’m having second thoughts.
Maybe on the far side of the property?
We get two to four bats in the house every year. I think they get in through the chimney(s) because there are three flues. Half of them we let out by opening a door or a couple of doors, the other half fall victim to the cat. We can't help the ones the cat gets, it's her killer instinct, and we never notice those until she shows them to us. Anyway, they are a nuisance inside for sure and I need to figure out where they are getting in so we can seal that off!

