Several years ago, I found a deceased bat, the size of a large mouse, at the bottom of the basement stairs. Very very strange, no signs of trauma on it, in spite of being in the living space of 2 cats (and one with a well developed hunter instinct.) Never did figure out how it got in, and how the one cat didn't turn it into mincemeat. And no idea what killed it. I took it up to the UMinn vet school for a quick rabies necropsy, that turned out negative.We had a bat fly around our bedroom last night right.
I thought it was a large moth at first.
I got a broom and herded it out unharmed and safe.
We have been keeping the doors open for puppy potty training.
I guess open door for puppy is open doors for bats.
Told the wife I felt fine but let me know if I start growing fangs.
I'm more than happy to see bats, I'd just prefer them on the outside of the house.