Thermoset work table replacement

I just picked up all three of the older square tables. I only need the left flip up and hopefully it will replace my rounded one. It worked, I replaced my rounded drop shelf with a square one, it fits perfect.
I have two spare of the square tops. $25 shipped if anybody is interested.
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Not a replacement round top. My grill has a rounded top, I will try to post pictures to show the differences of the rounded and square, I didn't get the end cap, that would make it look seamless.
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Wow, too bad they dont part them all out. Will they just give them to people that want them?
Yes it is a shame most of them wind up in an early grave cause nobody wants to put some TLC into them. I went there looking for new parts. They suggested I check the yard for old since the Thermoset aren't made anymore. I guess anybody can get anything off them.
I was there 3 times looking for a replacement flip up. Before Fathers Day they had just made a dump run and suggested I return in a couple weeks. After Fathers day /July 4th I went and got the set of square tables. Today I got the rounded tables. I give the guys in the yard some cash and they are appreciative.
I don't know all the good parts and which I should be looking for but I did pick up a set of SS grates for my Silver C, not the solid rods but the U shape. How are they? I have the original Enamel / Cast iron.

