I've done some testing trying to reproduce the issue where the servo damper doesn't make it to closed when the HM is at 0%...
I've been aided by the hard frost last night, which gave my RD3 quite a chill! What I see happening is when the HM puts the servo at rest it gets cold and stiff, and it moves slower. Sometimes it is not making it to closed before the HM powers down the servo, leaving the damper somewhere less than closed. I have found depending on the power supply, the servo, the damper, environmental factors such as cold temps, rain, snow etc... the servo may be moving at different speeds and sometimes when longer moves are required the HM is cutting power before the servo finds its position.... then the HM makes no further attempt to move the servo (at 0 or 100%), so if the move was incomplete your HM is DOA basically.
I think it important to make sure the HM is getting the servo where it needs to be under any condition, which it had done reliably in the previous servo motion scheme where the servo was always powered. I understand the chatter is annoying, but the power running through the servo also keeps it warm and moving swiftly in the winter, and you're probably not sitting next to it to hear the chatter during a sub zero cook! LOL
There are probably a lot of remedies for this issue, a couple possibilities off the top of my head are:
Add an option in the HM config to select whether the servo is always powered or moves and rests.
Make the servo move faster
Give the servo more time to move before it goes to rest
Make the servo power up and take position on a regular cycle, in which case the servo may take two cycles to close, but it will close...
I'm sure there are other options....
I know lots of you guys are blessed with living in sunny Florida or other places that never freeze over, but there are lots of us in places where we cook through brutal cold and it's tough on the fan, servo, damper etc to operate through all that. I cooked through winter with the roto damper over a 50ft CAT5 cable last year, a brutal record setting winter in the midwest, I make sure to use a beefy power supply and beyond that the RD did great even when it was frozen over solid with ice before I start the cook. It has been pretty hearty thus far. I fear this move and rest scheme for the servo is going to wreak havoc on my cooking this winter, so this is sort of a preemptive post hoping to get some change implemented to make the servo move with a bit more authority before the bad weather really comes...