No they are blank.
HeaterMeter Information
Version 20140630B
You need to update your HM firmware.

No they are blank.
HeaterMeter Information
Version 20140630B
You need to update your HM firmware.
It's always worth a try to reseat the rPi, the SD Card and the ATMega chip in its socket... Only takes a second and I have seen it remedy strange issues.
insmod spidev
insmod spi-bcm2708
hmdude -v -v -b 128 -P/dev/spidev0.0 -U/lib/firmware/hm.hex
I don't know! Clearly it worked one time, enough to flash the first image. You try maybe slowing down the bitrate (which is what it does on the first upload because the default clock is very slow). SSH in and type this
Code:insmod spidev insmod spi-bcm2708 hmdude -v -v -b 128 -P/dev/spidev0.0 -U/lib/firmware/hm.hex
The first two might say "file exists" but that is ok.
What about downloading the latest IMG file and rewriting the SD Card fresh and then trying to load the snapshot? Maybe something isn't quite right with your current build or maybe something has been updated in the pi firmware on the latest IMG that will make it work with your rPi? Drawing at straws and throwing out all ideas...