The King is Dead, Long Live the King

Thanks Jose, I do have FX lenses and I will be looking for additional ones as I go. Love the large format cameras Jose, always wanted to get into the Ansel Adams type of photography but fell in love with the digital world for most of my images. I am in the woods and streams a lot and wanted that full weatherproof camera for a change.
Would love to see some of your large format images, are you developing your own also?

I use a lab that has done my developing and printing for years so I don't have to worry about that part. It's all scripted so I just have to say "plus 2 on this and such". I have my film scanned in a different lab in Colorado though, that excels at that particular expertise, at $120 a sheet! I shoot, and let the experts in their respective fields do the rest :). After they are done you can hold a hand loupe to a 40x50 inch print and still get more detail out of it. The scans come out at around 260 megapixels. Still, as you know it's not the camera that makes the image. I've done images that have won recognition with a P&S Lumix 500 camera. Like this one for example:


Take a gander through my website. It's linked to my user name.
Very nice score, I'm going to have to add a FX body and some more glass to my inventory when I get another spare few thousand $$$$ laying around....
Awesome one bro! Need some imput from you when you have lerned that one. Congrats to the new toy

