The invasion is beginning.

Our neighborhood lost a lot of trees a few years back due to the emerald ash borer. That could be why I haven't seen any yet. I've heard a couple though.
Look around the bases of trees
If cicadas are considered delectable by the aforementioned possum as well as the other random critters that wander through the yard from time to time, maybe that's why I'm not hearing them. Maybe I need to listen for crunching and the occasional belch instead. ;)
Our neighborhood lost a lot of trees a few years back due to the emerald ash borer. That could be why I haven't seen any yet. I've heard a couple though.
Well they're coming out of the ground where I had trees taken out quite some time ago. Also around the little gray utility boxes out in back and even my back garage crawling up the walls. If you look at the photos I put up, don't show them on trees at all. Yesterday while mowing all over the neighbor's fence as well
I can count on one hand how many I've seen.
Now I prolly just jinked myself and opened the floodgates.:cautious:
Just you wait.....................I'll send them your way :D But a little surprising since you're further south of me. I understand emergence is tied to soil temps

