The invasion is beginning.



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
So I thought somehow we'd magically escape the 17 year "horde". Well we're not safe. For some reason the rain today triggered them. And here they come. And amazing how fast they go from molting to being airborne. Literally they were transforming as I was out cutting grass today!








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Haven't seen one yet. Western Springs which is about 45min east of me got nailed at the begining of the week.
I had a storm/bug chaser canvassing the block yesterday trying to peddle some products. I said no thanks.
Ok, I had to google the 17 year part.

Found this map.

Range of cicada emergence. Brood 19 in red, Brood 13 in blue.

LOOKING FOR SOMETHING UNUSUAL to wow — or gross out — family and friends at your next backyard barbecue? How about cooking up some earthy, crunchy cicadas?

When broods of cicadas emerge from on their 17-year cycles, it can be a unique opportunity to try an unusual, low-fat protein source.


I thought that was a southern states like Georgia and Florida thing.
We heard them in Florida while looking at real estate and it was a deal breaker for us.
The dipstick of an agent kept saying he couldn’t hear them and they are not that bad.
Yeah no thank you.
LOOKING FOR SOMETHING UNUSUAL to wow — or gross out — family and friends at your next backyard barbecue? How about cooking up some earthy, crunchy cicadas?

When broods of cicadas emerge from on their 17-year cycles, it can be a unique opportunity to try an unusual, low-fat protein source.

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:sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
I Dont know how I haven't seen one yet here in Barrington. But the cottonwood trees sure are shedding, its like its snowing!

