The competition

Doing away with the enclosed cabinets that turn into rust factories was a good start. Those older Genesis E310's would last a lot longer if they didn't have the enclosed cabinets. But if you see one of those over 7 or 8 years old it is almost always going to have Stage 4 Red Cancer. E-W vs N-S burners is another issue altogether.
Doing away with the enclosed cabinets that turn into rust factories was a good start. Those older Genesis E310's would last a lot longer if they didn't have the enclosed cabinets. But if you see one of those over 7 or 8 years old it is almost always going to have Stage 4 Red Cancer. E-W vs N-S burners is another issue altogether.

Yeah those enclosed cabinets are a problem in weber and all other manufacturers unless they are made of high quality stainless.

I had several cheapo grills with an enclosed cart. Unfortunately none of them lasted long enough for the cart to become a problem LOL. The firebox would give out long before that.

I will say I have a friend in CO with a 4 year old Spirit. His grill is holding up very well and has no signs of rust even in the enclosed cart. Maybe because CO is a dryer climate? They do however get a lot of snow so I'm not sure how valid that is.
Snow is just frozen rain. As long as it isn't mixed with road salt, it isn't any worse for a grill than rain. And if he is keeping it covered, the "dry" climate will help immensely. I have rehabbed three E310's with the cabinet. The first two were 2007 and 2008. One was a total loss, the other required a lot of grinding, sanding and painting to bring it back. The other was a 2012 and had rust, but not too bad. Grinding and sanding and repainting brought it back nicely. But, I would say that once you get around 5 years or so, under general use and care, is when the cancer will show itself with those grills.

