The BBQ has begun....


Andre A

TVWBB Member
It is a beautiful night here in the nation's capitol. It is 74 degrees and its going to get down to 54 tonight. I trimmed about 2 lbs off of my 14.5 lbs and place it on my WSM 22 fat cap down at 6pm on the dot. Thanks to my ATC the temperature is holding steady at 250 degrees. 3 hours into the cook and my Brisket temp has been rising steadily and is currently at 160 degrees. I'm probably going to hit the stall any time now.

The pork butt is nice and seasoned and I'll be putting on the grill on top of the brisket at around midnight.

The turkey has been moved from the package and is in the fridge on a cookie rack. The skin is drying out. The first step in getting the crispy skin.

I'll keep you guys posted.
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Good stuff, and it's looking like a great weekend in VA. We are grilling and boating this weekend
Yeah, I'm starting my brisket tomorrow night (North of Baltimore). Technically, it will still be Smoke day. But it sure was a beautiful day today.
Yup I can confirm, in the middle of the stall. Temp went up to 162 and then went back down to 160 and holding steady. I would have been scared as hell, but thanks to you guys, I new it was coming.

4 hours down only 11 more to go.
Yup I can confirm, in the middle of the stall. Temp went up to 162 and then went back down to 160 and holding steady. I would have been scared as hell, but thanks to you guys, I new it was coming.

4 hours down only 11 more to go.

The Brisket just cooled down another 2 degrees and is now at 158. Temp is still holding steading at at 250.
5 hours into the cook and the temp has lowered to 156, but my pit is stuck at 250. Everything is going according to plan. :wsm:
Down another 2 degrees. To recap at around 9 pm after being on the the WSM set at 250, for 3 hours exactly my 14.5 USDA Prime packer brisket quickly went from 55 degrees to 162. It is now 11PM and my brisket is in the middle of the stall. Its current temp is 154. In about 45 minutes, I will be putting the pork butt on the smoker. I was planning on wrapping, but a part of me would like place the butt right on top of the brisket and let its juices bless the brisket.
Officially 6 hours into the cook and temp is at 154. I have not opened the lid once. Will do so in one more hour to wrap and place the butt on the WSM after that then I am off to bed.
Just placed the pork butt into the WSM on the bottom. I wrap up my Brisket and now I am going to bed. I'll be taking my Maverick 3 732 with me and I have set the alarm. See you guys on the morrow.
very interesting, what is the finally temp of the Brisket you are looking. I didn't know nor completely understand why it goes down in temp from 160 to 154??
Let us know what happened. You have been talking about this on the site for months and you have us all invested in your success!
Very nice. I'm doing a hot and fast brisket tomorrow at 5am. I'll let you know how that turns out and we can compare notes!
I didn't know nor completely understand why it goes down in temp from 160 to 154??
During cooking, the muscle fibre and connective tissue contract thereby squeezing out (water) moisture. Once on the meat surface, the water is evaporated pulling heat out of the meat. Called 'Evaporative Cooling'. Just like a swamp cooler, of sorts ;)

It is the reason for the stall.
Everything worked according to plan. The brisket was pulled off at 7am. 13 hours. The pork butt took all of12 hours to cook. Btw, I'm never cooking pork butt without taking off the fat cap again. This was my second pork butt, and this one was so much better than the one I cooked last with the fat cap on. It was light and everyone loved it. .

Thanks guys for your help. I was king at least for one day.

