The Back Cracker



TVWBB Olympian
I injured my back pretty bad many years ago (landed on sharp edge). I was out of it for 3 months completely, & then I'd be OK & then it'd go out again & a twist/stretch would get it back.. back in 2008-2012 it started coming back,,,, I slept on the living room floor for 2 months and could barely walk so I went to a chiropractor for the first time. I'd go once a week ($50/month, 4 visits per month) to "The Joint".

I liked it & it seemed to work, but it was kind of a hassle (wait) and then sometimes I didn't even want to go, I went for around 2 years.

back in May 2015 I got an inversion table after seeing and trying one in a friend's basement office. At first it really hurt...but now I'm back to "normal". When I was out of town early this month the old back started going out and I wanted to find a back cracker, but 2 days after being home I was all good again. I think I might've even gained a half inch+ in height according to my last physical.
And all I can think about is your video of you flying up and down that mountain on you dirt bike. :cool:

I did an accidental somersault & a half earlier that day :) I didn't know exactly what happened but another cousin was watching the climb from the bottom. I just remembered bouncing & then sliding (a quick stop)

The injury when I hurt my back, I was working. I guess it was nearly 20 years ago.

Most of my "wrecks" are slow motion.......I'm a pretty big chicken....thinking of it---they might be getting bigger :) I'd better wise up.

I'm trying to limber up my back so I can bounce better :)

The bounce factor diminishes the older you get. Be careful with that back. I'm an extreme sport enthusiast/participant also and I speak from painful experience.
I know your pain, I'm fused four up, four down from my T12 that I shattered. Unfortunately stretching be it right side up or upside down isn't in my cards, steel rods don't stretch. I sometimes feel, I'd give every cent I have ever made just to crack my back...
Back in the sixties early seventies I raced Moto Cross when 6-8 inches of suspension travel was consider a lot. I'm reminded of it all the time now. A bad back is a nasty thing to have.
I truly feel your pain.
I injured my back pretty bad many years ago (landed on sharp edge). I was out of it for 3 months completely, & then I'd be OK & then it'd go out again & a twist/stretch would get it back.. back in 2008-2012 it started coming back,,,, I slept on the living room floor for 2 months and could barely walk so I went to a chiropractor for the first time. I'd go once a week ($50/month, 4 visits per month) to "The Joint".

I liked it & it seemed to work, but it was kind of a hassle (wait) and then sometimes I didn't even want to go, I went for around 2 years.

back in May 2015 I got an inversion table after seeing and trying one in a friend's basement office. At first it really hurt...but now I'm back to "normal". When I was out of town early this month the old back started going out and I wanted to find a back cracker, but 2 days after being home I was all good again. I think I might've even gained a half inch+ in height according to my last physical.

So Clint, you would recommend that one? And is that the same one the dude on TV is selling?
I thought about buying one after watching the infomercials but hanging upside down suspended by my ankles seemed pretty scary. Obviously you are comfortable with that?
I also did the back cracker for a few years, it worked, but one time he adjusted my neck, and it hurt so bad that my shoulder/arm went numb.
I took a few months off, and when I went back to see him , he moved out of town.
I liked the Doc, and his Wife was his partner and they were hands on old school country doctors. The young guy who took over the practice didn't impress me so I quit.
And that's been 10 yrs so I'm looking at another option:)

So Clint, you would recommend that one? And is that the same one the dude on TV is selling?
I thought about buying one after watching the infomercials but hanging upside down suspended by my ankles seemed pretty scary. Obviously you are comfortable with that?
I also did the back cracker for a few years, it worked, but one time he adjusted my neck, and it hurt so bad that my shoulder/arm went numb.
I took a few months off, and when I went back to see him , he moved out of town.
I liked the Doc, and his Wife was his partner and they were hands on old school country doctors. The young guy who took over the practice didn't impress me so I quit.
And that's been 10 yrs so I'm looking at another option:)


I like it but I think I'd get one that's slightly more robust. I'm a fairly large individual (~230#), if you're there or lower then this one might be a good option.

I don't watch standard TV, so I don't see commercials......

When I got it I wasn't sure if I'd even use it. I probably use it 4-5 times per week, and I aim for 5 minutes per time....I think 2 minutes is what you're supposed to go for but I haven't read up on it for a while. It hurts around the ankles so I have a preferred pair of shoes I use......that's about the only downside I haven't worked past yet.

The foam is a little weak around the ankle rollers - I noticed it starting to tear so I wrapped it lightly with electrical tape.

For me, it works......... I got mine 5/20/15...... and I haven't been back to the chiropractor since. No guarantees :)

>>>edit: one person who gets on it, I can see his face turn visibly red pretty quickly. I let my aunt on it (she's a big girl) & she liked it. My cousin gets on it every other week or so with no complaints, another cousin's uncle- that's whose table I tried - he said he used it 2-3 times per day. I remember one uncle had one when I was younger - I saw him at a reunion earlier this summer but I don't think I asked him about it.

I'm not really sure about risks with like a brain aneurysm, I wondered about getting them while lifting..... IMHO (and uneducated on the matter), it might be better to flex things and push the envelope a little....... I leave the stop out completely probably 'cause that's how the one was I tried, but it has a stop where it'll stop with the table barely below level (I think 20/40/60/80 degree stops).

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I'm 220ish and 6'4", and use the cheapest inversion table that Wal-Mart sold online when I bought it (fitness reality) The Wal-Mart ones were based upon the same frame, the pads just differed. It works fine, and is nice and stable. It can be painful around the ankles in bare feet or the wrong shoes though.
I've had one for about 8 years. I just use it once in awhile when the back feels like it needs a good stretch. But it is a lifesaver for me. Stretches out the back and the hamstrings quite well. Highly recommended to be honest. I dont think that they are good for people that have had back surgeries though.

