Thawing turkey


Rod C

TVWBB Member
My wife got a 13# turkey to fix for Labor day, it's frozen and I need it thawed by Sun morning because I want to brine it overnight in Keri's turkey brine recipe. How would be the best and safest way to thaw out the turkey. Thanks
It's a little late for a fridge thaw but you can combine two methods. While you're around submerge it in cold water and change the water every 30 min. If you can't or aren't around to be able to change the water when necessary put the bird in the fridge. Return to the cold water method when you can.

Keep the turkey in its wrapper. if it is punctured or slit put it in a garbage bag first.

When you're ready to brine remove the wrapper and rinse with cold water. Any still-frozen interior sections will thaw in the brine.

The cold water method is not as safe as a straight fridge thaw. It works but you must change the water every 30 min to be safer.
If you have room in the fridge and a big enough container, our friend Konrad Haskins likes to put the wrapped turkey in the container, cover with water, and put the container in the fridge. This is faster than the straight fridge thaw method, but slower than the water-in-sink method...but no water changes are required, either, so it's more convenient.


