Thawing chicken breasts quickly


Henry Jr

New member
Hi all,

I have to thaw some boneless, skinless chicken breast as quickly as possible. I'm not a big fan of just sticking them in the microwave because they often start to cook.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

The only safe, quick(er) method I know of is to place them in a zipper bag in a sink full of cold water. If they're frozen in a styrofoam tray, remove the tray to speed thawing. As they begin to thaw, separate the pieces to accelerate the process. You're supposed to change out the water every so often, but I often skip that...I just make sure there's a lot of cold water in the sink.

A way that is a bit quicker: Put the breasts in Ziplocs (without the styro tray, as Chris notes) and place them in a bowl; place the bowl in the sink. Fill the bowl with cold water then let the faucet stay running with a trickle of water into the bowl so that it constantly overflows (if necessary, weight the bag so that it is submerged).
I usually do what Kevin suggested.. It works well. I use a pot and keep the water running at a trickle to make sure there it stays moving.

The only other method I have found that works well is finding a pan that has mass and is aluminum. I use all-clad as it has some mass. The aluminum is a good conductor and pulls the cold out of the chicken. I like the first method better though since its more of a set it and forget it.
Thanks for the tips. The aluminum pan suggestion is quite interesting.

I ended up using combination of running water and soaking, pulled them apart ASAP. All was well in the end.


