Thanksgiving Brisket Kettle edition

Kettle. Grill. Unopened WSMs. Electric smoker that is too small and will not work withoit app. App currently not working.
Small oven at home, that will be off-limits Thursday.
Okay with using kettle. May cook the pork shoulder/pulled pork too.
Kettle is slower than WSK due to thermal inefficiency. I’d budget 9-11 hours at 275°F for a >20# whole packer.


Fat is needed for the cook. It helps keep the brisket moist by not letting all the beef juices run out of the brisket.
Tony, what Brett says here is absolutely true! Personally I would budget 14 hours using that logic it’s a lot of meat, better to load enough time into the cook to not be stressed before serving. If it says it’s done at noon, dbl layer of foil, dropped in a cooler, towels, you will be fine for a three or four hour rest with NO worries about it not being hot enough.
Un box the 18” WSM and you will never look back!
I like the Dalmatian method, I subscribe to the KISS method so, Keep It Simple…
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Boat method over full wrap. Nice. Water spritz. Not sure about garlic or white pepper. White pepper over black pepper? Was going to go straight dalmation. But I could be persuaded.
I try to keep it simple. I generously sprinkle course black pepper & grind sea salt, and a light sprinkle of garlic powder (you don't really taste garlic in the end product but seems to enhance flavor). I do fully wrapped (not boat) at about 170-175F, then finish brisket to 203-206F, then rest in cooler wrapped in a bath towel until serving.

I watched a few videos and combined things I liked but the fun Schuey video I linked above serves as a good reminder of most elements I use (and his beer timer concept is just plain brilliant). I run grill between 250F and 285F. After wrapped, if I'm in a hurry, I'll bump up grill temp to 325-350F. (Once wrapped, the foil retains the moisture and won't let more smoke in so that's when you could use an oven to finish it off though I never have). Definitely do brisket on grill until wrapped in order to infuse the smoke flavor, get the red smoke ring inside the meat, and develop the bark. I've tried apple wood chunks and hickory separately -- both good. I'm no pro, but my guests always go back for 2nds and 3rds.

Good thing about the snake method is that is consistent and doesn't required a lot of tending. Wrap coals as far around kettle as you can. 2 rows of coals topped with 1 row (some folks do 2 on top) and wood chunks ever couple inches. I go out to fidget with the top grill vent a little but mostly to smell the glorious smoking wood and watch the smoke dance. There are a lot of ways to do this and I'm sure my method will evolve. I use a Kettle for 3 main reasons: I have it, I don't have to bend over much, the Performer has a table.
I hope you are seeing the trend here Tony, I’m not trying to beat up on you about time BUT, (that would be a big but), start way earlier. That way you won’t have a reverse feast starting with desserts, backing into Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, brisket, salad and ending with cocktails.
Now that I look at that, I’m not sure that doesn’t have its advantages…😉😁
The napping sequence doesn’t quite fit but I’m doing shorter roasting goods for Thanksgiving Day!
And Grandchildren are coming to help prep tomorrow!
Haha. I picked up a Costco brisket earlier this week and just got done putting it on the kettle.
Currently 232 deg and purring along.
Our family gathering is at 1pm so it’ll be plenty of time for any mishaps/setbacks. It’s 33deg outside right now so I’ll probably have to refuel more than normal throughout the night. I’m using B&B lump, which seems to last longer.
Using SnS, by the way.
Haha. I picked up a Costco brisket earlier this week and just got done putting it on the kettle.
Currently 232 deg and purring along.
Our family gathering is at 1pm so it’ll be plenty of time for any mishaps/setbacks. It’s 33deg outside right now so I’ll probably have to refuel more than normal throughout the night. I’m using B&B lump, which seems to last longer.
Using SnS, by the way.
How is it going?

