Thanks Chris, briskets are a success!!!

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Dave S.

I followed your midnight brisket method exactly as described and the result was phenomenal! The only difference was some slight temperature variations due to some windy conditions early in the morning.My neighbors' love me because off all the great BBQ they've eaten since I started using my WSM. At Costco they only had small 5 lb. cryo packed briskets. They still had a good fat cap, but I still put some bacon on top.Question, after you trimmed those bigger briskets down as described, what do you think the weight of each was?
Thanks again, Dave
PS: am I now a BBQ GURU?
You know, I have no idea how much they weighed after trimming. I've often thought that I should weigh the trimmings so I can tell people in those articles what the loss was, but I forget to do it! Too focused on other things, I guess.

Glad you had a good result with your briskets.

Hi Dave. I also smoked my first brisket just yesterday. Although I didn't try the overnight method, as Chris wrote about. However, I bought the brisket at Costco and it was also about 5 pounds. It took 7 hours and 15 minutes to cook to an internal temp of 188. How high did you take yours to?

Like you, I feel initiated after having completed my first brisket-- and successfully too! (Thanks to this great website)!

Hi Bob. It took exactly 7 1/2 hours for the brisket on the top grate to get to 185. I had temperature readings via two remote thermometers for the top brisket and the top grate area. There were two temperature plateaus,one at 170(held for 1hr 10mins) and one at 181(held for 56 mins).I highly recommend the midnight brisket method, even if I started mine at 4 am /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif .
If you really want to know what your brisket weighs after's and easier way than manhandling the brisket onto what are usually smallish home scales....

Take note of the weight before trimming. Then just weigh the trimmings and subtract. I've never really cared much to do this, but it should work great! I have a 25lb scale here that I use when I make sausage, so maybe I'll give that a try on the next brisket (which my wife says can't be cooked until the freezer is emptied of all those little FoodSaver'd packages of Q!!!) /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif

Rich G.

OK, Mine was 8.2 lbs. , and I cut off alot of fat...but didn't weigh it.
Because of what I've been reading here, and because of my experience with "never-ending butts", I started to Minion my briskit around midnight Sat.
Waited until the thing appeared stuck at 140 and went to bed. Woke up the next morning around 8:30 , the temp was 261 ( no clue for how long) and the Briskit was at 194! Done. Felt like I ordered it to go!
(Dinner was planned for 4PM)

Join the club!! LOL My first brisket weighed in at about 12 lbs. and I was able to finish it in a mere 6 hours!!

I too went to bed and woke up to a crispy piece of meat! This was long before the Minion Method and thermo probes and sand in the pan and the internet "help" sites.

Now, I have had briskets cook up in 1hr./lb. When judging this cut of meat, the thickness is much more important than the weight. No magic formula's for thickness and cooking times, just eyeball them.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Will P.:
[qb]I GOT MINIONED ![/qb] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Now there's a new use of the word!

If you knew the derivation of the name in Ireland you may not use that in quite that manor. /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif
There are so many interesting directions this thread could go at this point...none of them "G-rated", I'm afraid. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

You guys can go which ever which way you want with this thread as long as I'm pronounced "a BBQ GURU".
No offense intended.
But, I did wonder ......
When you sent your bride out to purchase a Webber Smoker some years ago, did it cross your mind that it would eventually culminate in your surname becomming a verb?......

(or is it a dangling participal ) ?
The answer would be no, but it has been an interesting ride.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> There are so many interesting directions this thread could go at this point...none of them "G-rated", I'm afraid. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>You got that right! /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif
From -

min?ion (n)

1. An obsequious follower or dependent; a sycophant.
2. A subordinate official.
3. One who is highly esteemed or favored; a darling.

I'll go with number three.
minion min-yon n.,adj, (contemptuous)- a subordinate assistant, to put in lower You lost the cookoff because your minion(assistant) pooled the sauce. ie-adj: I heard you were minioned(relagated to a lower position) when your sauce was pooled!

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