Hi, I just wanted to take a moment to say thanks for all of the great information on here and report a bit on my first go at using my WSM.
I picked up a new 18.5" on Saturday for my housewarming+Cinco de Mayo party on Sunday.
I used the Minion Method, which worked great. I filled the WSM, lit 20 briquettes in the starter, and then transferred them over. For smoke I used applewood.
I smoked an 8 pound pork butt and 8 chicken quarters (4 at a time). The night before I trimmed the fat off the pork and slathered it with a version of the mustard+rub recipe from here.
The chicken took 3 hours per set and the pork took 10. Both came out amazing. The food went on at 9 so the first set of chicken was done just in time for lunch. The second set was ready for latecomers (or if we just got hungry again). The pork was done a bit after 7 and it pulled apart like a dream.
Everything I learned about how to get the most out of the WSM came from the reading I did on here. I would have been totally lost without this information. Thanks again!
I picked up a new 18.5" on Saturday for my housewarming+Cinco de Mayo party on Sunday.
I used the Minion Method, which worked great. I filled the WSM, lit 20 briquettes in the starter, and then transferred them over. For smoke I used applewood.
I smoked an 8 pound pork butt and 8 chicken quarters (4 at a time). The night before I trimmed the fat off the pork and slathered it with a version of the mustard+rub recipe from here.
The chicken took 3 hours per set and the pork took 10. Both came out amazing. The food went on at 9 so the first set of chicken was done just in time for lunch. The second set was ready for latecomers (or if we just got hungry again). The pork was done a bit after 7 and it pulled apart like a dream.
Everything I learned about how to get the most out of the WSM came from the reading I did on here. I would have been totally lost without this information. Thanks again!