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dunno by you but by me its only the 8th...who knows...

anyways..bryan i would really like to take part of this deal...or just get this stuff without the deal....i emailed them 3 times and never got a response...maybe you can get some answer from them....
as you know i keep kosher which means the food or spices must meet certain qualifications(i wont go into them at this time) but pretty much what i need to know whats in his rub...not exactly...let me explain...if its just plain ol spices and some cane or brown sugar with NOTHING ELSE IN IT then itll prob be ok....but if he adds oils or fat or any animal by product...or if its made with the same utensils that are used with other non kosher items(but im pretty sure sanitary codes would forbid this as well) then it woudlnt be ok....
i just need to know from him that pretty much its made away from everything else and its just spices and sugar and nothing else......
if you can find out for me that would be great, cuz i would to try this stuff that everyone is talking about.....if not then i understand fully... thanks bryan...
take care
Mords, i can tell you that its just sugar spices and salt. Bill includes a paper with each order about he uses only natural ingredients.( no tenderizers etc...) I will e-mail him for you. don't worry about getting in on the deal. I have plenty here will send you some if it checks out, Bryan
Mords, here is the ingredients that are listed on the bag Sugar, cane syrup, salt, red pepper, black pepper, (and other spices), garlic silicon dioxide (to prevent caking). Hope this helps, I sent him an e-mail Bryan
Ya thank you very much.....Ill wait to you get a reply to make my move....i know from past experience that when you tell them its for religous reasons they seem to tellya more...actually if its below a certain percentage of the food they (legaly) dont even have to list it....but ill trust his word of course.....thanks for the ingredient info...it sounds good...
thanks for your efforts....
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mordechai Striks:
dunno by you but by me its only the 8th...who knows... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So it is
Thanks for setting me straight, Mords

Bill *Scratching his head, wondering what callendar he was looking at . . . *

You can always go to texasbbqrub.com and post a question about the ingredients on their forum. Bill will be sure to see it and respond.

Good Luck!
Mords, Just heard back from Bill. The rub is Kosher Safe. He said he sent you an e-mail guess you just didn't get it. I can forward the e-mail to you if you want it, Bryan
didnt know they had a furom on their site... and yes bryan if you can fwd it to me that would be great... i guessi should email him back thanks...oops i guess i might have eraesed it by accident.........thanks buddy!

bill today is the 9th... tom is the 10th
Coming to this discussion kind of late. So, is this a really great rub? I'm inclined to try it and the price seems right too. Does anyone know if there is MSG in it?

Thanks. Art R.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mordechai Striks:
bill today is the 9th... tom is the 10th
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Gotcha, Mords! LOL!
I just got off the phone with Bill at Texas BBQ Rub. Super nice guy! He was calling about the email I sent a few days ago about the Canadian concerns. He has sent several packages to Canada in the past and Rob’s (and the 2nd package) were the 1st not to arrive. BTW, our neighbors to the north are aware of this, but many of us in the states aren’t ~ Not only is there a surcharge on postage to Canada, but everything must have a “Declaration” filled out…Short Form for under 3 lbs. ~ And Long for over. Bill has to take each package headed out of the U.S. down to the USPS and fill out declarations for each one..And he’s covering the additional postage, not only for the Canadian packages, but also for those requesting samples of the #2 rub. Also, he’s not going by the GMT ~ Any orders that night will be honored. If anyone is trying to contact him directly, don’t use the sales email ~ Use Bill at TexasBBQRub dot com. He reads and responds each day.

Like I said ~ Great guy! We talked for just over 30 minutes and almost half of that was just shootin’ the sh bull.

Steve, let me know what you want to do.

Take care, all,

Edit: BTW, I asked Bill if he'd share his recipe with me and he emphatically said NO! Well, I tried
Did anbody sign up for the Texas BBQ Rub newsletter. When you do they send you an e-mail that links you to some recipes, BBQ Sauce and techniques. Bryan
I did, and the last line says:

PPPS - If you want to e-mail these recipes to anyone else please feel free to do so. Everyone likes great recipes.

Should we??
They all sound good to me. Haven't tried any of them out yet, butt, late this summer or early fall . . .

Email to TVWBB???
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