Temp went down overnight..

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Gary Sabino

TVWBB Member
So, I had left the WSM at around 3 with a temp of 235 at the lid. I added a few handfuls of coals and decided to check again in about 4 hours. The internal temp was still around 160. Lot of resistance to the probe. When I got back after 3 1/2 hours, the cooker was below 150! The temp of the brisket was still in the 160 range, but now it feels much more tender. A fork twists and the probe goes in easier, but it ain't like jello, at all. I filled the ring again, added charcoal and got the temp back to 235 at the dome. My question is, how do I know if I got through the plateau and reached 190 before it cooled off? I am going to check again in an hour. If the temp has gone to 190, I assume it had been there before and pull it off. Does this sound right to you guys? Any other suggestions?
Gary....it's really hard to tell. What are you smoking, how big is it, and what was your total cooking time up too the point you noticed the lid temp had dropped big time? Thanks. As for me...I wouldn't eat it till the temp gets up there...especially if your talking pork....gotta render the fat off. Let us know a few more specs and we should be able to throw some advice your way. Hope this helps and keep on smoking.
I wa smoking a big ol piece of Brisket. Its a full cut, and I honestly dont know exactly how many pounds. It had gone about 19 hours when I went to bed,(temp never above 162) now its 24 +. I don't know if the temp shot up and then dropped, or just steadily dropped over the 3 1/2 hours I was asleep at the switch. I got the cooker back up to speed, and I'll check the temp in an hour. I just don't want to dry it out!
I've never had a cook go beyond 24 hours so I'd honestly say foil it and put it in the oven or even foil it and put it back on the WSM. At least then you'd trap the moisture in the foil (I'd even a bit of liquid over the top before I foil it). Now I'm not a big proponent of foiling until after I reach my temp..IE the rest phase in the cooler but in your case it sounds like a good option to get up to temp and not dry it out your brisket. I know others will have advice to give...but in the end it's up to you. Hope that helps.

Oh forget to say...if possible snap some pics of the final product...we love pics
Hmmm. Thats a hard one to call from a brisket rookie like me but I would think about foiling so it wouldnt dry out. Maybe oven finish.
Brisket for breakfast. Not a bad thing.
More then once I've fallen asleep sans alarm on the maverick and had the temps skyrocket so the briskets exceed 160 in just 5 or 6 hours, much to my horror, but all I've done in those cases was back 'em down until they were in the 160s again and keep 'em for hours and hours until they got thru the plateau in a more honest way, and they've been just as tasty and juicy as ever.
Thanks for all the advice. I foiled it because there were two votes for foiling. After about an hour and a half, the temp is 180, the foil is full of juice, resistance to the probe is minimal and it has that intense primal brisket smell. Problem is, I need to leave for a few hours. I think I will just let it ride foiled in the cooker with the bottom vents closed and the lid temp about 230. Hopefully when I get back it will be at 205 Lets see. I just keep reminding myself that if I get stressed it makes the meat tough! Thanks again to everyone for giving their input.
No problem Gary. Don't forget to let it rest for about 2 hours in foil outside the cooker (hopefully in a nice dry cooler). 3-4 hours rest is even better. Gives the cow time to suck back up some of the juices
I don't take my briskets to 205 cuz i prefer to slice 'em, not pull 'em, so if it's actually tender, why not pull it off, add more foil (if you punched any holes in when taking its temp) and let it finish itself in the cooler. It will still be piping hot when you get back to it a few hours from now.

Whatcha got cooking today? I haven't checked...you still in the lead for getting the Blue WSM?
I did end up pulling it and foiling. Its still resting. I'm waitng for my wife to get back before I slice it because I want an audience!
Well, I sliced that baby up to rave reviews. The deckel part was pullable and a real treat. I still have a question though: If one loses heat for sometime, (2 or 3 hours) do you just fire up and bring her back up as if nothing happened or should you foil.
Hi, MattJ,

I didn't get to cook anything yesterday as I had to go visit my friend on her farm. She's got a big stack of apple and pear wood for me, woo hoo! But I still have to pick it up, along with that big old hog shoulder (prolly next weekend).

I might get brave sometime this week and try a chicken or something in the ol' WSM tho, if the mood takes me.

Not leading the bidding war right now for big Blue, but I'm keeping my eye on it. Sure is purty!
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