Tear Jerker's *****

Listening to "The Last Post" played in a cemetary on a misty day with the rifle party firing a 21 gun salute. I spent 25 years in the Military and still can't keep a dry eye.

I would have to say Ashoken Farewell on a violin. It is the theme song from the PBS Civil War documentary. It always reminds me of the love letter sent by COL Sullivan Balou (sp?) to his wife just before he died in the Civil War. Taps is a great song but it doesn't bring tears for me anymore. I attended too many memorials for fallen comrades. It actually makes me feel regret and anger.
I have to say that "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry" Hank Williams and "Into The Mystic" Van Morrison, hold a special place for me. Timothy
Wow - quite the list here. I'll have to ditto Amazing Grace - I've had a lot of close family pass in my 36 years and this has played at them all...bagpipes version brings them faster, but the song does it all by itself.

As for singing my baby girl (almost 2) to sleep, Star Spangled Banner and Amazing Grace are the 2 I sing most frequently - not so sure about how the Star Spangled Banner made it on the list but Amazing Grace was my wife's grandmother's (GMQ) favorite song - very religious woman - without getting too long, it took my wife and I 6 years to get pregnant - after every reproductive technique we could try failed, including 3 failed invitro-fertilizations with a single miscarriage that only GMQ knew about, and then we quit trying - we quit our jobs, moved cities and started "our" life together and changed our prayers from "Lord help us to have a child" to "Lord help us get over the fact that we won't" - GMQ passed away within a month or so of our move and we had told her that we had given up. We conceived our child roughly 2 months later on GMQ's birthday with no help from the doctor's at all...I believe in fate - I believe in coincidence - and I believe in life eternal and the Good Lord above - I think it was this third one, and GMQ's influence with the Good Lord that she was somehow able to "pull some strings" for us.

So Amazing Grace will always hold a special place in my heart and will bring me to tears every time. And there will be a time that my daughter will ask me why I cry every time I hear it, and I will tell her this story...through the tears.
Well, my girlfriend of 11 years left me for someone else this past Wednesday and I must say, I am completely shocked and distraught. I met her at the age of 17 and now I am 28. The only song I seem to listen to is "Say" by John Mayer and the song hasn't failed to put me to tears.

If you haven't heard it, here it is. John Mayer - Say


As far as Amazing Grace goes I do Love that song and the bagpipes version is good but......... my absolute favorite is LeAnn's rendition amazing.

I would like to thank all who posted some great heart felled songs in this thread. I've been having health issues the past few years and get depressed sometimes. Weird how when your sad and hurting, you turn to songs that make you cry, but after listening to them they make you feel better, the hurt they cause, seem to comfort you, well at least for me they do. I'm a head banger/rocker at heart, but love all kinds of music. Rock on.
Originally posted by Erik G:
Well, my girlfriend of 11 years left me for someone else this past Wednesday and I must say, I am completely shocked and distraught. I met her at the age of 17 and now I am 28. The only song I seem to listen to is "Say" by John Mayer and the song hasn't failed to put me to tears.

If you haven't heard it, here it is. John Mayer - Say


Sorry to hear that.
Been through it myself, and I remember one song that was hard to listen to was "I Miss My Friend" by Darrel Worley.

Don't give up, things will turn around one way or another! Just hang in there.

Originally posted by Steve Z:
Sorry to hear that.
Been through it myself, and I remember one song that was hard to listen to was "I Miss My Friend" by Darrel Worley.

Don't give up, things will turn around one way or another! Just hang in there.


Thanks Steve for the encouragement. It's really difficult for me to stomach what's going on. I don't even know which way to turn. Can't eat, sleep or function for that matter. I have never driven through so many red lights in my life, my mind is just not functioning. I hope this passes soon because I have no idea how I am going to get through this. Thanks again for your kind words.

The song Indifference by Pearl Jam helps me remember that you can get through anything with grit and determination. Life is hard but sometimes you have to be as hard as stone to get where you need to go.
Siting here in front of the putter listening to #2 on my list, Tim McGraw "Don't Take The Girl" Man what a heart breaker that song is. My top 3 still stands, but there's some others making a run at the top 3 on my list.
I know they're kind of "cornball", but:

"Running Bear" Can't remember the artist

"Roses for Mama" by CW McCall

Heck, these probably make me sound like some sort of "fossil", even though I'm not.

Also gotta' agree with Mr. Krueger - If you need to hear part of it in French, I think that there's a partially-French version on one of the Dave Brubeck albums. -Very melancholy-
That song makes me want to puke

C'mon, poor little hard done by rock star having to cope with fame. It's hard to feel sorry for anyone with fame, popularity, money and got to roll with Pam for while.

Maybe you'd just have to be there. Maybe all the rock stars spin that disk when they are blue.

