He keeps it in the bedroom uses it to store his tax return records.
Jon, the Skyline still looks as good as the first time you posted it.
What are you doing with it when not in use? Do you cover it?
Store indoors?
My first car was a 63 Impala convertible. Definitely better than that import. Only problem I had was when it rained, it dripped water from the latches. Unfortunately, it got totaled by an Opel who hit my Impala in the a-frame for the left front wheel. I then ended up with a Dodge Dart which was a big letdown. Definitely, the Skyline is the better look on your deck!
Dave, I do have to keep my Skyline outside, but it is under a Weber cover.
I was kind of disappointed as it is a rubbery vinyl material. I am afraid it will trap moisture inside the grill. But it does seem very waterproof.
Jon, you're Skyline is a magnificent accessory to your deck! Very classic machine in excellent condition! I just love the "old" US Webers.