Take the TVWBB Pledge

I would like to support this site in that way but all my Amazon purchases are through the UK site. I don't know whether it is possible to cross link but if it is then I will do it gladly, can anyone advise please.
I would like to support this site in that way but all my Amazon purchases are through the UK site. I don't know whether it is possible to cross link but if it is then I will do it gladly, can anyone advise please.
Hi Graham,

Thanks for asking...yes, you can buy through Amazon UK and help support this site. Just use this link every time you visit Amazon, then add items to your cart:


I think you would be the first to do this from the UK! If you place an order, I would appreciate you sending me a Private Message indicating one of the items you purchased, so I can see if it actually comes through as a credit to this site.


