@Ernie: I had been landscaping all day, and was pretty dog tired, so my meat options were only chicken and shrimp. The womenfolk in attendance had cut all the veg, which was more than I could have wanted (broc, cauli, onion, mush, baby corn, cabbage, bamboo shoots, water chestnut) so we had a ton of veg. Everyone but me did shrimp, which go really fast, so for the shrimpy folks, the total cook time was probably 7-8 mins, with about 3 of that having shrimp tossed in. My chicken mish mash took a little longer. I did the chicken first for about 2-3 mins, took it out, did the veg (pretty much all of them) until they were close, then put my bird back in. Maybe 10 mins on mine, since I got a little gluttonous on my quantity. One thing I learned from this cook. AVOID high sugar sauces, they burn very very quickly. Since I was super smart by the time mine went into the wok, I used sesame oil, rice vinegar, soy, and sriracha. Came out very delicious, with no sticky mess to clean up. The first bowl was a mess, hoisin stuck like a bugger, so I started over from scratch after that one, washed out the wok, re-oiled. But, much fun was had by all. I can imagine having 3 or 4 woks in front of me and bouncing back and forth between them, that would be super fun. As for pics, didn't take any, but I thought it about it when I sat down to eat!