Sweet Sweet Teriyaki


Richard S

Funny story…we play a card game in my house called “idiot” and I decided tonight would be the night I lay it all on the line and play during dinner and decide that the “idiot” who is the loser has to do the dishes. Well that turned out to be me as my oldest has turned out to be quite the card counter!

Anyway…A great and warm day and there has been a lot of pork in my life lately so some chicken was I order! And a G &T!6EA6115C-7BB9-45F9-8D25-CA750B887D18.jpegDid a great marinade of teriyaki, garlic, and sesame!C6296766-45E3-4338-A888-02764EA7CA63.jpegAdd in some rub and lookout…Performer here we come!3664377B-5298-4119-94B1-D1A5EC363AD0.jpegWent indirect for entire Cook with B &B and some apple for smoke!278AB0EE-C2ED-4966-8163-1AC96E177815.jpegC7E3AFEB-5B07-4D56-8C2A-E2E727E00324.jpegTime to do some dishes! 🤣😖
It's hard to say which is better, your cooks or your photos. Bottomline, can't eat your photos :)

