Still not smoking *****

i was lucky. quitting wasnt that hard for me. i smoked from high school into my 20's. i kept a pack on my visor for when i went to a club but when they got to tasting like something out of the cat box i quit. that was almost 30 years ago
I'm 49, been smoking since I was 13. I tried Hypnotism, cold turkey, the patch and the pill (chantix), nothing worked. Until I went back to using the pill and buffed that up with anti depresesants. It took only 2 weeks for me to quit. Its been 7 months now. Granted, I still get the feeling but it last only a minute. Last week end I was at my BIL's house, he smokes...weed too, LOL. Now, I don't get all fired up about dope smokers, hell I used to be one too and occasionally will take a couple hits here and there. Well one toke led to another and the next thing I knew I lit up one of his cigs. Man, I tell you what. I near puked my guts up. I know now, I have beaten that demon. Never again will I smoke cigerettes. Weed...well, it was really good hindu Kush.
From what I've gathered reading this thread, most of those that quit were smoking fairly heavily, I.E. more than 1 pack a day. And congrats to all those who did quit! I know it can be tough.

For those of you where this is the case, do you think you would have had the determination to quit if you were only doing more like a pack a week, or even less? Or would you have even quit at all?
Originally posted by Mitch Josey:
From what I've gathered reading this thread, most of those that quit were smoking fairly heavily, I.E. more than 1 pack a day. And congrats to all those who did quit! I know it can be tough.

For those of you where this is the case, do you think you would have had the determination to quit if you were only doing more like a pack a week, or even less? Or would you have even quit at all?
i don't know. i have addictive tendencies. wether it be BBQ,cigs or some other stuff i had to quit years ago. i figure BBQ while not very good for me, is better than the other habits i had to quit.
Originally posted by Mitch Josey:
From what I've gathered reading this thread, most of those that quit were smoking fairly heavily, I.E. more than 1 pack a day. And congrats to all those who did quit! I know it can be tough.

For those of you where this is the case, do you think you would have had the determination to quit if you were only doing more like a pack a week, or even less? Or would you have even quit at all?

I don't know. My spouse quit smoking 23 years before I did. I think if all I was smoking was a pack a week I would have quit with him. But, it's hard to say as I was a heavy smoker and I don't know what it would have been like to "only" smoke a pack a week or less.
Been like 12 years since I quit. All I can say is that you have to learn how to be a non-smoker the way you became a smoker.

And I wasn't a heavy smoker, probably about half a pack a day and usually didn't light up in the morning until I had a cup of coffee or two. Guess I wasn't addicted since I didn't smoke when I would wake up in the middle of the night either.

Still will have cravings, but it's hard for me to think of myself as a smoker.
WOW, the thread that wouldn't die!!

2 packs a day (LOl), it has been about 20 years of non-smoking for me, it was very hard for me to quit. Did it cold turkey. However, I do smoke an obsessional cigar

However, I have heard of people who can just stop smoking with no withdrawals.

But for all who have quit recently (less than 2-3 years) the cravings stop if you stop feeding them.

