Steak on the WSM


John Boehm

Decided to do a nice looking new york strip on the WSM. The flavor was great but it was a little over cooked for me (came out medium). Here it is. Marinated it for an hour in Yoshida's

A little salt and pepper and on the WSM full bore, about 350 with 2 hichory chunks.

Pulled it at 110 internal temp, then dropped it to the coals, direct for 2 min per side.

I let it sit foiled on the counter for 10 min and here it is plated with some roasted potatoes. It tasted great but was not medium rare. Might pull it at 100 or 105 next time.

Sorry about the picture quality, they were taken with my phone.
I always do steak in the kettle, but this is an interesting approach to reverse-searing. Looks fantastic, medium or not.
Looks Perfect to me! Next time pull it @ 110f inner temp and let it rest 5-10 min untill the inner temp starts to drop. Take the middle section off and let the coals get super hot. Then sear it. Perfect steaks everytime!
Originally posted by Wolgast:
Looks Perfect to me! Next time pull it @ 110f inner temp and let it rest 5-10 min untill the inner temp starts to drop. Take the middle section off and let the coals get super hot. Then sear it. Perfect steaks everytime!
That sounds like a good idea, does it need to rest after the sear?
+1 for Wolgast's suggestion. My normal company for dinner has 1 person that likes well done*gag* steak so I always pull the others at rare then turn hers into shoe leather than give a nice sear to the others to bring them to medium rare.

That being said your strip loin does look very edible the way it is.

