Start first fire ???

I am going to be smoking one rack of st louis ribs and 20 or so country ribs. I am just confirming best method to fire up.

Should I fill charcoal ring all the way? Then turn chiney upside down and load 15-20 coals.

My question is what is the best way to get the 15-20 coals started?
That's what I do.

For starting I just drizzle some oil on a wadded paper towel and light that.
Drizzle some oil on the p.t. It will lengthen the burn time. Put it under the chimney - in other words, turn the chimney upside down over the p.t., then put your coals on, then tip the chimney up a little so you can get a lighter in to light the p.t. (I don't bother turning the chimney upside down but you can. I just position the coals over the burning p.t. by moving the chimney, if necessary.)

