Stainless Lid on Genesis Gold C


Claude M

TVWBB Super Fan
I purchased this excellent grill in 2004. It doesn't owe me anything and it's really been a great cooker for me when I want to use gas. The inner shield rusted out on the lid and I've been dealing with it, but it got to the point where I couldn't stop the smoke flakes from falling into the cooking area. So I took the shield off and cleaned the inside of the lid. Then I tried looking for the shield only to find the only solution is a new lid. I get it, it's spot-welding onto the lid and a retro-kit type of deal would be asking a little too much from Weber. I opened a support ticket with Weber to see what my options were. Then I logged into my Weber portal and found the lid is under warranty until 2029 (25 years on the lid). Weber didn't agree it should be covered under the warranty. So if that's not covered as a problem then I'm at a loss to see what kind of issue would be covered. Anyway, I still love Weber, I have a Q2200, a Performer, a couple of 18.5" WSM's, purchased and gave away a few 18.5 I'm not going anywhere! But this lid thing has me a little miffed. I'm guessing the lid will most likely just turn blue without the shield. Has anyone removed this shield and not experienced an overheating problem with the lid?
Yeah, if that's not covered under warranty I can't tell you what would be. I've seen guys on here get new lids for cosmetic issues that I'm pretty sure they caused themselves. As far as removing the liner, you aren't the first guy to do that either, it should be fine without it. The other thing you could do is look for a cheap used grill and swap lids. The porcelain lids don't suffer from that problem.
I have seen where several people have gotten new lids due to the liner rotting out. I would call back later and get a different C/S rep. Their policies seem to have a lot of leeway depending on who you talk to on the phone.

But, otherwise, just rip the liner out and grill on.
A little Google fu:

"Discoloration of stainless steel due to heat only occurs with very high heat and can be seen on mended or joined items or outdoor grill cookers. Different colors occur when Stainless steel is exposed to temperatures ranging from 700 to 1200 degrees Fahrenheit."

As long as you are diligent about temps and grease fires, you should be ok. Good luck with Weber! I agree, it should be covered.
I purchased this excellent grill in 2004. It doesn't owe me anything and it's really been a great cooker for me when I want to use gas. The inner shield rusted out on the lid and I've been dealing with it, but it got to the point where I couldn't stop the smoke flakes from falling into the cooking area. So I took the shield off and cleaned the inside of the lid. Then I tried looking for the shield only to find the only solution is a new lid. I get it, it's spot-welding onto the lid and a retro-kit type of deal would be asking a little too much from Weber. I opened a support ticket with Weber to see what my options were. Then I logged into my Weber portal and found the lid is under warranty until 2029 (25 years on the lid). Weber didn't agree it should be covered under the warranty. So if that's not covered as a problem then I'm at a loss to see what kind of issue would be covered. Anyway, I still love Weber, I have a Q2200, a Performer, a couple of 18.5" WSM's, purchased and gave away a few 18.5 I'm not going anywhere! But this lid thing has me a little miffed. I'm guessing the lid will most likely just turn blue without the shield. Has anyone removed this shield and not experienced an overheating problem with the lid?
Did you call or communicate online? Try again.....I got a new lid for this issue last year. It's not stainless, but it's new....

Thank you all for the excellent suggestions and advice. I never called, just opened one of those support tickets online. The other thing that is likely the reason the agent didn't think it was necessary to replace it is that the photos I uploaded showed the lid apart and the shield removed. I used that Purple cleaner to get all that nasty coating of smoke off the inside part of the lid, so yeah it's clean and there's no rust. The shield I put out with the trash a few days ago and never photographed. CL is a good suggestion!
Thank you all for the excellent suggestions and advice. I never called, just opened one of those support tickets online. The other thing that is likely the reason the agent didn't think it was necessary to replace it is that the photos I uploaded showed the lid apart and the shield removed. I used that Purple cleaner to get all that nasty coating of smoke off the inside part of the lid, so yeah it's clean and there's no rust. The shield I put out with the trash a few days ago and never photographed. CL is a good suggestion!
Call and tell them metal particles are falling onto the food. They will replace the lid with a black one.
I called Weber and spoke with a support person. She sent me an email to which I responded with a photo as instructed. I think my mistake was removing the shield and tossing it into the thrash without photographing it first. What they see in the photo is a clean lid without a shield. As long as it's safe to use without the shield it'll have to do until I get a new grill. This year I just purchased new flavorizer bars and new grates for it so I'll need to get at least another couple of years out of it. I'll have to drill a hole through the right-hand end cap of the lid because I broke one of the studs that attach the lid to the end caps. I haven't heard back from Weber since I emailed them yesterday, but I wouldn't hold my breath for a new! In the grand scheme of things, it's all good, Weber has to stay in business too. Cheers! I have to start posting here more, I have loved this site and Chris Allingham for a very long time now.
I'm not going to discuss where the following action might fit with your moral compass, however.....

You could find a similar picture on this site and send it to Weber.

