Stable Firmware Release v14

I guess the build on my SD card got corrupted over time. I wrote the latest snapshot image to the SD card with disk imager and it was able to flash the AVR and get things back up and running. Now I've just gotta go through and re-do all of the setup again. Thanks for taking the time to reply and verify the snapshot was valid.
The fix for the SSL error is you need to update the RasPi firmware with the latest development snapshot. Bryan pushed an update to fix the SSL issue on June 28th.
Snapshot is installed now, I am able to DL from the online repository, thanks again.
Well that certainly doesn't look right. I just tested mine with 2% and the stock 6% in some hot water and it worked exactly as it should. What it might be is that the PidOutputAverage (the yellow pip sliding around on the output bar) is 90% or greater, it won't activate LidMode because the temperature is going down slowly enough that the PID is still trying to control it. I don't think that's what's triggered there though, so I'm not sure. I just ran the detect math through to check for overflows or rounds to 0 using 400 and 2% and it all checks out so /shrug. I'd normally suggest trying the latest snapshot firmware, but that logic hasn't changed in centuries so I don't think it will make any difference.

Is that version stable 14? I didn't think it had the download links in the corner.
The wifi config really only adds a file to the Pi's configuration which doesn't affect the control operation of the HeaterMeter (which does its own thing and doesn't even really know there is a Pi). There's another image on the download page apart from the "Stable v14", the "Snapshot" which has all the bug fixes and new features added over the past 2+ years (zeesh, make a new release already, Bryan). So if you have further problems I'd suggest trying that version. Your wifi information should carry over so you can just use the "Download .gz" image from the download page and System -> Backup / Flash Firmware page to upgrade.
I upgraded to the newest firmware (I think the timestamp was sometime in July of 2020). There was just a bit of fluctuation I wasn't expecting so on a whim I checked for new firmware. I saw it get to 100%, then hit refresh, and that's the last time I've been able to interface with the web side of the Heatermeter. I can still ping that address (statically assigned via dhcp), and its still functional based on the last settings, but I can no longer check it.

Did I miss something about this firmware?
I just tested an upgrade from a configured v14 to the latest snapshot and it had no problems, so I am not sure what's happened. Does it show up on ? Does it show the IP address on the LCD when it boots, and is that the IP you're trying to browse to? Have you tried SSHing into it?

I'm really not sure what direction to point you in because there are no known issues in upgrading from v14 to 20200810. Oh wait, if you've upgraded the AVR firmware to latest (Wednesday, 15 July 2020) without updating the Pi image, then that can cause a problem. You should still be able to connect to the webui, but it just shows "No HeaterMeter connected" because it doesn't understand the new data format.
It may've been the AVR firmware now that I think about it. (I(t) completed the cook and its disconnected right now.) I'll try again, though I'm pretty confident I can't connect to port 80. I didn't try ssh/22. Supposing I can ssh, how can I update the pi image?
Supposing I can ssh, how can I update the pi image?
You can just do this, assuming you have a Pi Zero, A, B, A+, or B+. If you have a Pi 2, then the last bit should be openwrt-bcm2709.gz

It could be easier to just open it up and pull the SD card, and reflash it with a new image from if you can't get to it from SSH. All the stash (archives) will remain along with any HeaterMeter config, but the network information will be reset so use the form to download an image with your wifi information already included.
root@OpenWrt:~# sysupgrade
Saving config files...
nil connect
Sending TERM to remaining processes ... syslogd klogd hotplug2 ubusd netifd dnsmasq avahi-daemon ntpd
Sending KILL to remaining processes ...
Switching to ramdisk...
Performing system upgrade...
10+0 records in
10+0 records out
wget: bad address ''
wget: bad address ''
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
Refreshing partitions
Upgrade completed
Rebooting system...

New terminal

PING <ip address>: 56 data bytes
Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
Request timeout for icmp_seq 2

Looks like I'll be flashing a new image on the SD card. I'll have to figure out how to do that on my MacBookPro w/ only usb c inputs.
Remembered I had a port expander and a little dd if=x of=x, plopped the card into the pi, and I'm back in business. Its been a while since I upgraded, so I'll have to check out what's new. Thanks for the quick help.
Great! Sorry about the inconvenience but glad you were able to get it back up and running. Looks like the v14 setup didn't have DNS working, or couldn't get to the internet to be able to download the firmware update with "bad address ''", definitely seems like something weird was happening considering you were SSHed into it (network is working) and were able to get the AVR firmware update (had internet access at that time).

