St Louis Cut Spares

Couple quick observations. The ribs look outstanding. How many people were you feeding? The view is awesome. Looks like you have some good privacy. I love the work table. Very jealous. On another note looks like you use lump. Is that always the case?
I fed three 20 something boys,a 20 something daughter in law, my 30 something daughter, one itty bitty 3 yr old grandbaby, my wife and I. There were no leftover ribs.

I normally use lump. I am on a borax, lime, athricite coal (I know it's just decayed plant material), and other additive restricted diet. :) It's 5.99 for an 8.8 lb bag at the local grocery sitting right next to KBB. Plus, I don't need a shovel to get rid of the few ashes I end up with.

The work table is getting a bit stained from all the drippings and such. I think I'll top it with a slab of granite or something.

Privacy is abundant.

