Spoke to Fast?..What's Going On? (Pic)

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Couple of things come to mind--did you inject the brisket? Or maybe go crazy checking the temperature in many different places while smoking? Looking forward to an explanation myself.
No injection...the hole you see was because of the thermometer probe. I only lifted the top once during 9 hours!
Shawn.....maybe. I'm puzzled.

My wife refuses to eat it....Help me, my reputaion is on the line!
I'll hazard a guess it's something like trauma to the muscle before slaughter (maybe bruising or what we call a sore muscle) or the animal wasn't bled well. Wish I could be of more help Anthony.
Anthony, Beef Pox.
I'm guessing maybe broken blood vessles during while it was slaughtered. Maybe it fell while going into the shute. Hell i don't know.
Bryan Doug Help
Well....I did not slice the whole slab (Just abut half). The spots are dominant to that point.....

As you said Tony, it's a real appetite curber...I wish I had an explination.
For the real question, How does it taste? If it is good then go for it. I would think it is just a bruise or something in the meat.
Chris K.

The taste is fine....the question is what is that <span class="ev_code_RED">"something"</span> in the meat?

I think everyone here would like to know.....

What do you think Doug D.....have any suggestions?
hey Anthony...I agree with a few others...I don't think I'd eat it, cuz it just don't look right. You might want to call your local government agency or university extension service and share that picture with them. Seems to me that the spots are to numerous and random to attribute it to some kind of muscle trauma. God forbid that the cow had TB, but that was something that crossed my mind when I first saw the picture..but hey..I'm certainly no expert, but had I seen that on a piece of beef, I'd certainly investigate further.

Well, I've got an email going to beef.org at the moment........

T.B.?.....well the brisket is close to the lungs...I just don't know.
The color is just so darn similar to your smoke ring. Is it possible there were fat pockets that cooked out and left smoke spots? Let us know what you find out. I would like to know.
I had probs with pre-packaged BB's from wal-mar awhile back...the wife was supposed to go to the meat market and get them for me but she picked them upat superwallly world instead and they smelled funny and didn't really taste all that good when cooked. Ended up taking the ones I didn't smoke back for a refund.
At first glance I would have thought the redness to be caused by the same chemical reaction that causes the smokering, but the question is how would smoke penetrate deeply and randomly into the meat.

A second thought would be some type of enhancement process whereby a salt-containing solution was injected into the meat, but if this was a packer in cryovac from Walmart, I don't see that being the case-- the packers at Walmart today were Excel by Cargill, USDA Choice.

Another thought was salt in the rub being embedded in the meat by handling or turning with a meat fork. I did a Google image search on brisket to see if I could find something similar looking, but to no avail.

I think if anybody's seen this before and has a clue, it would most likely be Jim Minion-- or maybe this guy here in town who has "Brisket King" emblazoned on the back window of his pickup truck.
Doug, Just to let you know...the brisket was never punctured with a fork (Anytime)......as I said earlier the only entry into the slab was a thermometer probe.

I rub it with Texas Rub #2 about 1.5 hours before I put it on the cooker.

Maybe it's the Texas Rub Measles....

p.s. Is there really have a guy running around the New Orleans area with "Brisket King" on his rear window?
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