Spice Rack logic



My spice rack is crazy! I have my most used up front and easy to grab.They are grouped by type such as salts and peppers beyond that the next level is sort of food type groups that are in regular use. After that they are up high or in the back with soon to be used replacements for stuff running out. Some people have super organized in alpha order or what ever, just wondering what logic most people use. In the last 3 years my spice collection has grown as I experiment with new ideas. All old spices were purged and that's when I noticed fresh makes a difference. I stopped buying the large Costco sizes due the fact that cheap and a lot is not good logic for good food. I try to buy small sizes in low use spices now.
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Building a 2 or 3 tear spice rack has been on my 2do list for a while as currently we have a 2 teared turn table split up from A-K, and L-Z. I always have problems finding the correct one. I plan on alphabetizing them.
Some of these won't be replaced after being used up.:LOL: The lazy Susan helps, same amount of space used is the same as before when everything was in a big container without the lazy Susan.
I have something similar to this on the inside of my pantry door (actually two identical ones side by side):


Highly recommended for little stuff like spices.
Hi John,

We use turntables for our spices.
On the bottom of our cabinet we keep the single spices and just above it on the middle shelf, we keep the spice blends. We make sure to put the
purchase date on ones purchased and the made date on the others.

I have mentioned elsewhere here that at times I like to dump outdated spices together in a big jar and use for certain things. But after awhile they too get thrown out.

And yes, they are all in alphabetical order.
My spices are arranged by use, daily is a priority, like my tool box. I think it drives my wife crazy! She does all of the baking so the pantry is all hers. Most of the baking supplies are in there. (y):) I do the cooking she does the baking. Team work.
We dedicated two drawers for ours. One is pretty organized. The other one is a hot mess due to some bulk bagged spices, different container sizes, etc. I won't show a picture of that one. Then I've got a few extra grilling spice blends that are in our pantry.

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That’s awesome! There is no way I get 1 drawer for sure not 2. :LOL:
Sorted by high frequency to low frequency. I replenish at Winco in the bulk section. I dry my own rosemary, Italian parsley, basil and cilantro.
My wife's best friend just bought a new house and has a dedicated drawer organized alphabetically. She bought a horizontal rack that holds the square shaped bottles perfectly. She had to buy jars for the rack and rebottle and label all of the spices. Looks amazing, lots of spices I would never use. I asked her where is the stuff you use daily? She said next to the stove. :LOL:
Everything is spread out as we don't have a single cabinet that will hold everything. Some semblances of order but not perfect by any means. Most common herbs and spices that are generally used in smaller quantities, both in the kitchen and for grilling, are stored alphabetically in a rack next to the kitchen range.
Herbs Spices1.jpg

Bulk spices and those used less often in a lazy Susan cabinet on the other side of the range.
Herbs Spices2.jpg

Rubs (mostly homemade) dried peppers (both whole and ground) curing products and Kosher salt above the lazy Susan cabinet.
Herbs Spices3.jpg

Vinegars, oils and hot sauces have their own cupboard, as do dry baking goods.

All in all, these items take up almost as much cabinet space as pots, pans, dishes and other cooking and serving items. Looks like I need to clean the camera lens.
I've tried so many ridiculous shelving methods over the years, andd no matter what I do, it always ends up being a chaotic mess within months. Case in point?

I'm about to make you all feel much better about yourselves...Brace for it...

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Haha. Those darn Penzey bulk bags, sitting there waiting for me to empty a jar, make my second drawer an eyesore as well. That's why I didn't post a picture of it, but maybe I should to make you feel better.

