Spatchcocked chicken ( split chicken )



TVWBB Member
I picked up a 5 1/2 lb whole chicken after work today and am planning on cooking it Sunday for dinner. I want to get it in a brine sometime Saturday so it can sit in it Saturday till Sunday night.

This is my first time, where do I begin with making up a brine for the chicken? Any good recipes?
Alton Brown has a brine he used for Thanksgiving turkey that would probably work. I believe the ratio is one gallon water to one cup kosher salt. From there you can add brown sugar, fruit, or fruit juices, or other flavorings like herbs. I have seen a sweet tea brine as well.
For a whole chicken, you can cut Edwin's recipe in half--2 quarts cold water and 1/2 cup table salt (I don't waste kosher salt on brining). Brine for 1-2 hours. You can add 4 TBSP sugar, if desired.

You may also find inspiration from the Apple Brined Turkey brine, but you'll have to reduce the quantity significantly for a chicken. :)

My favorite brine comes from Cook's Illustrated - for one whole butterflied chicken you can dissolves 6 tablespoons salt (table, not kosher) and 6 tablespoons sugar with 1 quart of cold water in a large bowl, stockpot or Dutch oven. Put chicken in, cover, refrigerate for at least 2 hours to 4. Then if you have time, you can pat the chicken dry, and let the chicken dry uncovered over night on a heavy-duty wire rack set over a rimmed baking sheet in the refrigerator. This air dries it and helps crisp up the skin when you cook it. Delicious and my favorite!

I'm going to grill some whole chicken legs tonight that were just brined, yum!


