It works! This was a test with water of the yogurt making temp! Thanks WBegg!
Hi Christopher - sorry, not able to give you any sound advice to your questions, but thought to share my experience re getting into Sous Vide. I started to build a contraption using my HM and other bits& pieces - no doubt the HM in itself is a wonderful device with all it s features. However in the end I bought one of those stick Sous Vide cookers and don't look back. We use it very regularly, is very user friendly whereas my wife wouldn't wanted to touch my homebuild SV monstrosity. And easy to store in the kitchen drawers.
I also have an actual sous vide stick, despite the fact that I have 20 HeaterMeters, SSRs, and heating elements. There was just too much junk on the counter with the HeaterMeter setup, and you can't really probe the food temps so most of the functionality of HeaterMeter isn't used. The pump circulating helps too.I did the same.