Sorry to see this apparently fade away.


Tom O.

TVWBB Member
The HeaterMeter I have is doing the best job possible with my Kamado Joe and has been doing it for a long time now. It sure deserves more attention than it gets. In fact. it works better than my FireBoard Drive system (which I don't even bother to use).

Anyway, just my thoughts and I wanted to say again how much I like the HeaterMeter. Just wanted to show some appreciation for the work involved.

Tom, your correct about the Heatermeter being the best controller out there. Being able to control with a blower and a damper make this the ultimate control. Using the Pi for the smart portion is not found anywhere else from what I can see. There are lots of users and many creative users that have helped make this what it is. The best controller out there. Brian, I know you're out there lurking, so come baaaaaaaaaack and pick up where you left off. This is the best and I don`t see anything out there to dethrone your work.

