Something's not right? Knockoff? Prototype?



New member
I happened across this grill.

It looks like a vintage 50's smokey joe. But the handle is backwards on the vent and I don't see any weber markings on the vents.

I'm within 1/2 an hour of the weber headquarters so it's possible it could be a prototype or very early smokey joe. Or is it a knockoff? I don't think it's homemade as the enamel looks to be weber quality. It looks to have been used once and other than some enamel missing around the legs is in very good shape if it's as old as I think it might be.

any ideas?
That looks like a 1950's SJ-100. The handle isn't backwards, it's attached to the vent. If it's genuine……...BUY IT!!!!
I told them it was an old Weber and thanked them for picking it up for me. They called me sunday and said they found another one at a Threshing Bee.

This one is obviously later 50s judging from the wooden handle and extra vents but it's still got the same early style legs and a really neat finish.

Buy them both if you can. The wooden off-set handle is later than the first one you posted.
Both of those SJ's are a piece of grilling history. Very nice. I'm jealous. :)

