Some Smoke Day pics


Rich G

TVWBB Honor Circle
Had a few families come over yesterday for a BYO grilling get together. Each family brought something to grill, and I had the WSM22, 26" kettle and Q200 ready for action. On my part, I did some chorizo stuffed mushrooms, chorizo stuffed pork loin, and a smoked bird. Everything turned out well, mostly on time, and everyone enjoyed the pot luck feast.

Mushrooms: Cleaned and destemmed some crimini mushrooms. Sauteed the chopped up stems with my homemade chorizo and some garlic. After sauteeing, that got mixed with some cream cheese and parmesan. Once cooled, I spooned the stuffing into the mushroom caps. These got cooked on the WSM for about 45 minutes at 240. No pics of them off the smoker, as they were gobbled up quickly.....VERY good!


For the pork, first I broke down a whole loin from CostCo (1 roast and 14 chops for $16.....not bad!!)


I didn't get good pics of the stuffing process, but I butterflied out the loin roast, pressed in about 12 oz of sausage, then rolled and tied it:


.....and off the grill (about an hour, indirect @ 400'ish):


Probably don't need a picture of the chicken, but here it is anyway! :)


Thanks for looking and grill on, everyone!

Yum! I bet the smoke rolling all day smelled wonderful!

I didn't smoke anything but walked the dogs by many houses that were!
Thanks, Cliff and Case.

The mushroom specifics if anyone wants them (a bit of an amalgamation of multiple recipes):

Sausage Stuffed Mushrooms

24 medium criminology mushrooms
10-12 oz sausage (italian, chorizo, other)
2 tsp minced garlic
5oz cream cheese
1/3 cup shredded parmesan cheese
salt/pepper to taste

Brown/sautee sausage in pan over medium heat, breaking into small pieces for easier mushroom stuffing
Add garlic to sausage about 1/2 way through the browning process
When sausage is browned, add mixture to a mixing bowl with the cheeses and mix thoroughly
Let sausage cool, then spoon as much filling as you can fit into each mushroom cap
Cook in oven, or on smoker, for 30-45 minutes depending on temp (300 for oven, 240 for smoker)
Grab one before serving, as you may not get another opportunity before they are all gone
It all looks good, sounds like a fun day.
Barb really likes stuffed mushrooms I'll copy the recipe and give it to her. Thanks for sharing it.
That cook looks awesome Rich and those mushrooms over the top. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

