Some of this, some of that...all together wowzers.......


Jeff Powers

Chicken tenders marinaded in salt/pepper/Tapito Hot Sauce, garlic and onion powder (afterthought...cumin would have been outstanding!)


Some of this:


Sliced for the grill....


Fire Ready.. that a piece of lump or are you happy to see me??? Lolz....sorry, had to!!


All victims except the bacon and crescent rolls were grilled, no cheese pics because, quite frankly it didn't look great, haha...


After the turn close to being taken off....I under-cook slightly at this point cause they are also going into a 375 oven for like 15 minutes....


Off and resting so I can wrap it all up!! Sneak peak of the cheese which WAS grill but was not pretty.


BACON!!!!! No it was NOT microwaved, I swear...I mean I sometimes use it for weekday quick breakfasts but this was cooked in the oven because they come out perfectly crispy and flat and straight. Easier to wrap chicken with and love the cleanup taking a piece of foil off of a sheet pan!


Now these could have gone back on the grill at this point to finish buuuuutttttt....we are getting afternoon/evening thunderstorms so I'm gonna finish in the oven later. For right now, they are chilling in the fridge. Actually a great way to enjoy great grilled food if you have time to cook it all earlier and just relax later....


Intermission....there will be plated pics but no oven pics because it's not ready for a close up....

See you soon!!
And here it is plated with some Texas Grillin Beans doctored with some cumin, garlic powder, black pepper and fresh cilantro (sprinkled cheese on top after I took the pic). I don't pre-taste my japs before putting them into the mix so, I had to take them off tonight as they were waaaayyyyy to spicy! My latino buddy even took them off, I knew I wasn't wimping out when I saw that LOL.....

Jeff LOL great post!!! I thought the same thing as I was reading through it!!! awesome looking chicken as well!!

