So, what's on the menu?


Timothy F. Lewis

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I'm having an "end of summer" birthday feast for about eight this weekend planning on keeping the protein simple. Sausages and burgers but, the inner fiend tells me I must do something more!
So, the menu is continuing to build! Something still missing.
As of now,
Bacon, jalapeño tater tots

Pickled beets
Goat cheese stuffed cherry peppers
Potato salad

Oh, and cake!

What's on your menu?
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I think I would add coleslaw to that menu. Love potato salad but for me, coleslaw is the best.

As for my menu, with the extended family coming on Monday, we will be having whole packer prime brisket, coleslaw, and not sure what else. I know there will be at least one vegan dish for our niece and her husband but since she is expecting her second child, all bets are off. My wife still needs to talk to the family and see what others can bring. I know my MIL is doing 2 apple pies and I will do a raspberry sorbet.
Barb and I will be alone so we're just doing a rack of ribs and some beans maybe some corn on the bone on Monday.
I've got two culinary missions this weekend.

I'm still playing around with wings - in particular trying to develop an 'upscale' tribute to the classic Anchor Bar Buffalo style. I've come up with the world's most decadent blue cheese dip, so now I need to up the game on the protein side.

I'm also going to attempt to pay tribute to a significant childhood memory for both the goddess and myself. Growing up in Ontario in the 70s and 80s if the family went out for pizza, it was almost always at one of two popular chains - Mother's Pizza or Frank Vetere's. Both of them were similar in style and reminiscent of the famous Pizza Uno in Chicago. To us kids there was nothing like that thick deep dish pie with a giant bottomless mug of root beer! In any case, deep dish pizza hasn't been heard of in these parts for 30 years so I'm going to attempt a kettle version. Beverages will still be in huge vessels but decidedly more adult in nature.

Last kid of 4 went out the door to school last Sunday and already we're loving the empty nest, at least as far as meal planning goes :)
I have had two cole slaws that I have liked one was one a friend's mom used to make, and the other is from a little restaurant in Beulah called the " Cold Creek Inn" where they do a Friday perch fry that is out of this world! It's the ONLY coleslaw I have ever asked for more of!
Can't ask for my friends moms anymore, she was killed in a car accident several years ago, she also made one of the best chocolate cakes I have ever had! That recipe survives her the slaw does not.
It's just not one I have ever liked enough to bother searching out a recipe for.

Oh, grand children rang in for green beans (both have braces and corn on the cob is a little less fun for them).
With the start of college football (and a hubby who is simply over the moon because of it), I'm hoping to do some ABT's, wings and maybe a small pork butt before the old wsm goes into hibernation mode for fall/winter.
Never been fond of green bean casserole, ABTs sound like a possibility, certainly a good choice! Had brisket and pulled pork last week, going low power for this bunch. Just picked up some sausages from a local sausage guy and four doubles of KBB, "since I was at the store"! All stacked and ready for the upcoming grilling season, fall.
Looks good to me Tim. We are doing steak fajitas and ABT's at my best friends house, he has a pool and a Weber.
Timothy, how about adding some chili to your menu to welcome the Fall season?
I'm having an "end of summer" birthday feast for about eight this weekend planning on keeping the protein simple. Sausages and burgers but, the inner fiend tells me I must do something more!
So, the menu is continuing to build! Something still missing.
As of now,
Bacon, jalapeño tater tots

Pickled beets
Goat cheese stuffed cherry peppers
Potato salad

Oh, and cake!

What's on your menu?
I like the idea but, time is a little close, I have a show to play Saturday and I won't have the time to devote to do everything I would like. This gig was kind of a surprise, it will all work, the kids have requested steamed green beans so, now it's all set.
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