So Did I Make A Big Mistake in Purchasing an ET-73?

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Now you can start a new thread about how to keep your wsm so stable. I've never really got mine stable. It's either gradually going up in temp or down. Usually not stable. Any pointers would be appreciated.
I get mine pretty stable, I just adjust on the way up. Only had 1 high temp issuse. Jerry, do you adjust all 3 vents or keep 2 closed and adjust one til fully open then start on the next etc...?

Rath *into the KISS method*
I agree w/ Rath...getting control on the way up allows for better temp control. I have been able to get the temp to stay within 2-5 degrees for hours on end!

BTW I shut 2 vents and start adjusting the 3rd as need be around 190 degrees!

Maybe a large part of it is that I live in Southern California where the weather is very consistent in terms of temp and humidity plus it doesn't rain for seven - eight months at a time. Also, there is little if any breeze in my backyard for the most part.

Those things aside, I use "The Method" at all times and also agree with others about getting a handle on the temp on the way up. I'm generally at 200 and cooking along within 20 - 30 minutes of adding the hot briquetters (used as a started only) to the top of the lump charcoal I normally cook with.

Also, I adjust all three bottom vents at a time (top is always 100% open) and make VERY small adjustments. I find once I'm at 200 I'm open 25% to 30% at most. Maybe this weekend I'll try the one-vent method Greg uses. That would make things easier provided it doesn't lead to one side of the coal pile burning hotter and faster, but he swears it doesn't. I have to give him the benefit of the doubt as he has cooked about a zillion more things in his WSM than I have. I'm still a FNG!
As addressed in the Tips & Mods section, in the article Temperature Control Troubleshooting, using a single downwind bottom vent to control temps can be effective in breezy or windy situations.
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