So, Derby day, what’s going on?


Timothy F. Lewis

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I feel awful about the horse death issue this year, how sad!
To try to reduce my grief I’m starting here…IMG_0602.jpeg
Since it’s been an awful week, I’m (sadly) not grilling but, rain and attitude is making me opt for kitchen cooking. “Creole Meatballs and cheese grits” with roasted Brussels sprouts is on the Bill of Fare tonight.
pictures to follow.
I had to test the equality of ice so, this is only a test!😉
I heard about the deaths, but I have no idea what the cause was. Dinner sounds pretty good, can't say I've had Creole Meatballs
I heard about the deaths, but I have no idea what the cause was. Dinner sounds pretty good, can't say I've had Creole Meatballs
Well, I’m sorry but the third Julep allowed me to forget to take the finished product picture!
Besides, we were really hungry!
I knew someone would land on THAT for breakfast! The French toast was breakfast, the “rest of the pie” should be nice for dessert tonight.
I love pie for breakfast. It is a favorite for day after turkey day. I'll start with pumpkin and a cup of coffee then have a small slice of pecan.
I love pie for breakfast. It is a favorite for day after turkey day. I'll start with pumpkin and a cup of coffee then have a small slice of pecan.
I love pie for breakfast too! Just not today, this french Toast was made with some anise bread that I’d gotten out in anticipation of the breakfast, not expecting any leftover pie (2 pieces, the rest went with the kids)…bonus!

