Scott Hammock
TVWBB Member
No, not flipping at all actually but it doesn't seem like a bad idea. Just be careful not to keep the lid off for too long so the grease doesn't light up.
I cooked two butts this way over the weekend for a pre-Thanksgiving gathering of about 30 people. I have been smoking butts for this gathering for at least 10 years but this is the first time that I did them for this gathering without a pan. Multiple people told me that it was the best bbq I had ever done and several said best they ever had at all.
That settles the debate for me and I won't be using a pan again for butts, ribs, or chicken. I still may try a pizza pan with a bunch of holes drilled in it at some point to see if the lower rack can be usable.
Thanks! Doing it this weekend!