Smoking Bear Meat


Dan N.

Friend of mine at work got a 250# bear (boar) a couple of weeks ago and will be picking up the meat today. He said bear meat has the texture of beef with a sweet flavor (they eat a lot of berries and cookies). He says, unlike venison, there is a lot of fat for rendering. Any ideas on smoking a hunk of that meat? Not sure what cut I can get from him.

Thanks - Dan
I don't have much advice on smoking bear, but man it's some good eats for sure. I agree that it compares to beef in some ways.
Bear can be gamey. I find that trying to eat bear cold leaves your mouth covered in a film of fat. It is a little fatty.

Having said that, bear will smoke real good, just like a beef roast. With all the fat, it renders out nicely like beef as well. Takes smoke nicely.

