What does that mean?This has been bookmarked!
Look at any post here on the forum and up in the right corner you will seen a symbol that looks close to this: , it just isn't red. When you hit it you can bookmark the thread. Then once you bookmark it you can go to your name at the top of the menu bar and access your bookmarked threads/post so that it is easy to find. So I basically have saved this thread in a way that will make it easy for me to find so when I want to make this I can go right to my bookmarks and it will be there verse having to search for it.What does that mean?
Well, nifty. Maybe in a couple years I'll take time to read about the available features!Look at any post here on the forum and up in the right corner you will seen a symbol that looks close to this: , View attachment 31099it just isn't red.