Smoked Sausage & Fried Fish


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Our son works 2nd shift, and likes it when dad makes something on the grill for lunch before he heads out.
He was ready to roll out when the lunch bell rang. (not sure Brooke was though)

Simple smoked sausage, and cheesy tater tots.

I gave him the lions share.
Here's mine, don't try to read anything into my mustard scribbles.

Fish for supper.
Jo and I aren't crazy about grilled fish, so I fried tilapia fillets in the Weber griddle.


Spears and pasta for the sides.

Good stuff!
Saved some for son's midnight return, and fridge raid.

Thanks for the visit!
Do you adopt? Room for one more? I would clean bot those plates before work to make you proud...Dang i even take the garbage with my on the way out! Exellent pics buddy!
I could eat that, again, and again, and again,:cool:......well, you get the point.......................d
Chris, i think it's "bpu" ;)
Bob, why does Tyler sleep with a hat on?
Your fried fish looks AWESOME along with the pasta 'n gus's
If I leave here now, I could make it there before Tyler gets his midnight raid!
what kinda snausage is that? bologna?
The fish and the sausage looks great, but those cheesy tater tots are really makin me hungry, and giving me ideas....."you gonna eat your tots"?
Your fish looks good Bob. Sometimes I cut up chicken breasts, and bread them in fish breading and fry them like that too.
The tater tots with the shredded cheese and the smoked sausage made me want to rearrange it with the sausage surrounded
by the tots and all covered with cheese. So now I will have to try it that way too. We get lots of good ideas by looking at these
As always, it looks goo-o-o-d Bob. I'm goin' with BPV = Bob's Point of View?! Ditto Jim's comment about your son and his sleeping hat.
A couple of fine looking meals Bob!! Inquiring minds want to know the answers to all of the above questions too!
Thanks everyone, I think! :rolleyes:

You boys! tell you not to do something, and you ignore me! :p

Tyler had been up, lunch wasn't ready, so he went web surfing.
Doesn't sleep with a cap on, I don't think.

Gary, nothing compares to my egg McBob!

