Smoked Pork chops on spaghetti


Guil Daigle

TVWBB Member
Decided to try and do something a bit creative yesterday and ended up trying some Pork chops on a tomato based spaghetti sauce. Ended up being very good.

Sorry for the bad picture quality

New family member! Got it off Kijiji for 40$ couldn't let it go.


New toy in action


Chops going on with some Italian seasoning, chipotle chili powder, salt and pepper.


Meanwhile I prepare my spaghetti sauce. Here are the main ingredients with an onion some garlic, a can of crushed tomatoes and a can of tomato paste. I was trying to get a bit of a bold flavor with some hints of bbq since I wanted the chops on the spaghetti.



Chops are done I had to finish it on the grill as it was taking too long


Finish product with a local dry blueberry red wine which was surprisingly very good.


Overall this was a great success and everyone loved it. The sauce was amazing and the hint of smoke on the pork went really well. Even my fiance who was skeptical really liked it and got some more this afternoon for lunch.

Thanks for viewing!!!
Bravo!! I love it when we get meat with our pasta. And I wouldn't mind a glass of that blueberry wine. Well done.
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Now thats a great looking plate of spaghetti. I could really go for a plate of that and that saying a lot. I have been burned out a spaghetti the last few years. We seemed to have it at least once a week when the kids were growing up and I was the one stuck with the leftovers the next day for lunch at work. I still like the stuff its just that I would just rather have something else given the choice.
Guil that looks delicious, I am sort of a Pasta Aficionado due to be being married to a Pasta Master. But that looks like a wonderful variation. Well done my Friend
I don't mind it. I think it will do better in high heat cooks as I find the temperature a little harder to control. I don't think it will top my WSM ;)
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Neat idea.........heck, just about any meat will go good with pasta......................shoot, I'm having a big bowl of Bolognese tonight with homemade pasta and french bread tonight. Hmmmm, maybe it's not too late to thaw out some chops to go with that:cool:......................d
Here is what I used. I just approximated the amounts as I went by taste.

• 1 large onion
• 4-6 cloves garlic
• ½ cup of red wine
• ½ teaspoon of red pepper flakes
• 2 teaspoon brown sugar
• 3 tablespoon Italian seasoning
• 1 ½ tablespoon chipotle chili powder
• 1 big can crushed tomatoes
• 7 oz can tomato paste
• Salt pepper to taste
• ½ cup Stubbs bbq sauce
• 2 tablespoon Worchester sauce

I had plenty left with those amounts

