Smoked Catfish.


Arun L.

TVWBB All-Star
I made this in July.

I liked how it came out.




That looks really good, Arun. Were you able to keep the temps low-ish during the cook?

It looks like I smoked it for a little over 2 hours, 15 minutes.

For the last 1 hour, 20 minutes, the pit temp of where I was measuring appeared to be between 300-325.

That seemed high to me, so that's why I asked about temperature readings in this thread last month:

@Lew Newby explained in that thread that the edge would be hotter. Since most of the catfish was really more towards the middle, the actual temperature of those areas was probably lower.

I'm glad I liked how it came out. That discussion about temperature readings also made me realize that I should try to put the pit probe on my Flame Boss, in the middle, if I can.
Thanks for the post. I'm going to try this.

Have been grilling catfish on a gasser on the flat side of Grill Grates. This will give a new approach and an excuse to start a fire.

