Smoke Day Success - Thank You Larry Wolfe


P. Kelly

TVWBB Member
I received my WSM 22.5 a few weeks ago and have practiced a lot. I did a flat brisket and four pork shoulders for 2009 smoke day. Sorry no pics, I was concentrating on getting everything right. Well I used WRO on the shoulders and WRB on the brisket. I had a bunch of friends over for the grand taste feast and even a fussy better half raved over the food. Larry “YOU ROCK”. The flavor was great and everyone had his or her fill. I am glad to say I have a few portions left over to enjoy this week. Thanks again Larry. I cannot wait for the next cook I will take time to post pics next time.
YOU did all the cooking so you should take the credit, not me!!
I'm glad you and your guests enjoyed everything, sounds like a nice spread!!

